Meal replacement shakes?

Hartbarney05 Posts: 22
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I've seen in a few of my friend's diaries that they're having meal replacement shakes almost every day. Who else does them? Are they a good way to stay full without spending a lot of calories??


  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I don't replace my meals with a shake per se...but occasionally I'll replace my lunch on campus with a Builder's Clif Bar which has 270 calories and 20 whopping grams of def helps hold me over until I can get home and eat dinner. I don't think it's the *best* idea considering it's not a wholesome meal but it works for me....I do it maybe 2 days a week.
  • Earthhorse
    Earthhorse Posts: 28 Member
    I don't choose to use shakes myself because I don't find they fill me up enough. I'm also not sure what is in these shakes, and they alway taste aweful to me lol. I would suggest making your own with protein powder and fruits. You could use water to keep calories down or milk or orange juice to help boost your calories. That way you know what is in your shake and it will be tastier ;)
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    The name is deceptive because they are ment to supplement your meals.

    I used to take met-RX stuff but now I take Optimum Oats and Whey. Taking those alone do not fill you up very much at all.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Sometimes I will replace a meal with 2 scoops of Muscle Milk powder or a protein bar. I found some protein bars at Sam's Club that have 8g of sugar and 30g of protein! I think the bars have less calories than the MM (if you mix MM with water it has 300 for 2 scoops) -- the bars are like 270. I DO use them as a meal replacement and not as a snack.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I only have them when I don't feel particularly hungry, but I know I need to eat something, i.e. I've only had 150 calories all day because I got distracted. I don't use them for anything more than that. If I want that I'll go with a protein shake, made with whey protein and almond milk
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    IMHO, no. Liquids don't fill you up as well or as long as solid food. Even the meal replacement shakes.
    Check the labels. For most shakes, I could have a bowl of Cheerios with milk, or even a tomato sandwich (my favorite!) for about the same or fewer calories than a shake, and it'll keep me satisfied better.

    On the other hand, if they grab them because they're convenient as they run out the door, it's definitely a better breakfast than a donut, better lunch that fast food, and better snack than a candybar (or a real, icecream milkshake)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I drink a shake almost every morning. They are quick (and I am usually running late to work) and they will hold me over until around 11:30 when I eat lunch. I drink a generic brand (knock off of Slim Fast...much cheaper). I like the chocolate, 170 calories. I bring tea with me every morning for a little caffeine as well. Works well for me!
  • raelynnjordan
    raelynnjordan Posts: 135 Member
    Have you ever heard of Shakeology? Great meal replacement shake...
  • tsomo
    tsomo Posts: 44
    I seldom use protein shakes to replace my meal as I don't feel full enough by only drinking liquid. Instead, I use it to replace my snack so that I won't eat chocolate, chips and so on.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I seldom use protein shakes to replace my meal as I don't feel full enough by only drinking liquid. Instead, I use it to replace my snack so that I won't eat chocolate, chips and so on.

    I do that too, especially when nothing looks good and I really want chocolate.
  • I drink 2 or 3 Vi shakes a day!!!! They are so delicious and you get sooooo full from them. I just eat them as my AM snack and PM snack. Friend me if you want more information.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I only use my protein shakes when I am so busy I don't have time to cook, and I'm out the door. . or in emergencies when I have run out of food but should really eat. Any shake is usually very high calorie, and not as filling as food. I prefer actual food.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    IMHO, no. Liquids don't fill you up as well or as long as solid food. Even the meal replacement shakes.
    Check the labels. For most shakes, I could have a bowl of Cheerios with milk, or even a tomato sandwich (my favorite!) for about the same or fewer calories than a shake, and it'll keep me satisfied better.

    On the other hand, if they grab them because they're convenient as they run out the door, it's definitely a better breakfast than a donut, better lunch that fast food, and better snack than a candybar (or a real, icecream milkshake)

    I agree. Because they are liquid they don't have to be digested as much as solid foods. The nutrients are just absorbed by the body, which is why whey protein shakes are so great post-workout. And because of that they don't keep you full for as long as solid food. I'll occasionally add protein powder to a smoothie if I don't have time or don't feel like making a real breakfast, but it never ends up keeping me full until lunch.
  • I drink the Special K Chocolate shakes and they are super good! well...for a diet shake lol but I drink a 20 oz bottle of water with it as well as a 100 calorie snack like pretzels or fruit
  • abbrarogers
    abbrarogers Posts: 25
    I am doing a somewhat slim-fast/calorie counting "diet" to help me keep my calorie intake in check and so far its working just fine :) I drink a slim fast knock off brand as well and find that they fill me up just fine and they actually have less calories in them than the slim fast brand, I have one as a breakfast and have the other one in the afternoon between lunch and dinner since that seems to be one of the hardest parts of the day for me :)
  • angelmuss
    angelmuss Posts: 45
    I have Secure Meal replacement shake every morning. It has a lot of vitamins in it. I am not a breakfast eater so this keeps me on track to eat better at lunch....instead of pigging out!! I make mine with ff milk.

    You can find it on HSN (andrew lessman) I have tried the vanilla and the coffee and both are very tasty.
  • Yes that can be a better option also, but according to me you should try different method.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    As a once in a while thing, or as an addition to your other meals, sure they're ok, but to replace existing meals? I don't like this strategy. As other's have said, these foods come in a pre-digested state in order to dissolve in the liquid. That means faster absorption time. this is especially important with regards to vitamins. vitamins in food are similar to a timed release cold capsule, releasing nutrients in your body as the food is (slowly) digested, do it all at once and you flood your body with the nutrients, and many of which will be excreted because they overwhelm the body and cannot be used. So you never actually receive what is on the label.

    The smaller a carbohydrate source is when it enters the system, the faster it will be broken down and absorbed into the body, in the case of carbs, that means a far higher volume of sugars flooding the body at once, and guess what happens when you flood the body with sugars.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I have them, but its more of a last resort. I found myself working late and being too tired for dinner sometimes, so now i will have the shake if its late and i am tempted to skip a meal. They taste so-so. I would much rather have a plate of steamed veggies with some salmon or something! Oh, in a perfect world! :D
  • CrimsonWife
    CrimsonWife Posts: 56
    Check the ingredient label carefully before you drink any pre-made shake. Quite often, sugar is one of the top ingredients. That will cause a very high insulin response, just leaving you hungrier later in the day.

    Atkins Advantage shakes are low-carb if you really need something off-the-shelf.
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