Jillian Michaels Body revolution?

Is anyone out there doing Jillian Michaels body revolution? Would love to start a group or see any results. :)


  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I'm planning on starting again on Monday. I did it last year around this time and it is a great way to jump start a fitness plan during the winter. I dont have photos of results but I can tell you that you will see an increase in stamina and strength very quickly. For instance, you will see improvement from week to week on how many push-ups, weight reps and so on that you can do. I saw more inches lost, clothes fitting better (butt lift), than lbs lost, but it does happen.
  • Awesome! ! I would love to lose a few lbs on my journey, but what I really want to is to look fit again. :) yesterday was cardio 1 and it is killer. I can make it all the way thru except for the unwind man part, it really hurts my feet.
  • kaseyrobinson5
    kaseyrobinson5 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on day 7 currently. yay a rest day! Still debating wanting to workout though. : )
  • Awesome! I know, once you get the momentum going a rest day messes with your head. Lol I just finished day 4!
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm on day 4 of Phase 3. I've seen a lot of inches lost, but have only lost 1 lb overall. But my clothes are looser, I have more muscle definition everywhere and my stamina and strength are the best they've ever been in my life. You'll love your results! Just don't give up it gets a heck of a lot harder as you go, but it is doable!!! Don't skip ahead or watch ahead unless you are ready to start those discs. Seriously had I watched Phase 3 while I was in the other phases, I probably would have gave up because it's scary. But if you do it like she has it planned out, once you get to the harder stuff you'll be amazed that you can do it! The first day of a new workout is the hardest but after that it gets easier and easier each time. I love it. I'm going to do it again after I finish except with heavier weights.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I'm on day 5 of the first week, this is my second time doing it (with a few modifications to make it even better for my goals). I got really great results last time around last spring, so far its my favourite "celebrity" program out there. Feel free to add me, I'd love to have some friends/ motivation/ support from peeps also doing it!
  • Tammi623
    Tammi623 Posts: 113 Member
    I am on day12 of phase 1 (the last day of week 2) I feel great having finished the first 2 weeks and am looking forward to the workout 3 and 4 videos. I tend to get bored easily with workout videos so switching it up every two weeks seems to be working for me.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Doing it for the 4th round. Going on to video 3 on monday :)
  • RosaileenB
    RosaileenB Posts: 49 Member
    I am starting Phase 3 - I have definitely have seen changes. I didn't follow her diet plan. My eating sucks. I can actually do 7 pushups, I wasn't able to do any before. I am down 1 pants size. Feel free to add me on as a friend.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm just sort of loosely using the videos as filler for when I want a home workout, since I got copies from a friend. Her food plan is dumb; lots of non-scientifically supported woo and silliness like broccoli being a forbidden food (what???) so I ignore all that. The workouts are okay, though she supports the nonsense of high reps with low weights so as not to get bulky. Basically, she annoys me, but the circuits are decent for when I want a 30-minute home workout with my limited available equipment.
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    i'm doing the 30 day shred... i should have done yours
  • smoskaluk
    smoskaluk Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on week two but not strictly following the meal plan. Trying to stay around 1200 calories net and coupling this with the nutrition and goal-setting tools in "Burn the fat, feed the muscle."
  • button777
    button777 Posts: 26 Member
    I started back on my diet and fitness on Monday following a wee break for the Xmas hols, I have never done the Body Revolution so thought I would give it a try. I have only just completed day 3 and my body is hurting but it feels great to hurt as I know its a good pain! Keeping to my 1200 cals and eating back my exercise cals should have me back to my 8stone pre crimbo weight before too long. My ultimate goal is 7 1/2 stone so still a little way to go as I am 8 stone 5 at the moment ..... Looking forward to the Body Revolution results .
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    I have done 10 weeks and some 'maintenance work' before New Year, planning to start again after the weekend. Tried some of her recipes from the program but not following 1200kcal diet as it's not healthy long term ;) I have set up my food and calorie goals using TDEE and BMR calculations done via calorie tracker speadsheet found on the forum here, currently eating at 1550kcal with 30% protein, 30% fat and 40%carbs - recording food once again on MFP app.
  • zanelekay
    zanelekay Posts: 4 Member
    Am on day 10 phase 1... Not completely sticking to the diet. Can't wait for phase 2 hope it doesn't completely kill me.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    I am :) I have done it a few times in the past and always fall of the motivation wagon. I am determined to get through the whole entire thing this time! I started on workouts 3 and 4 this time around. I am currently only on day two so far lol but I love Jillian!!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Yes!! I did it twice! Several years ago, and I blogged the entire time. Here are my before and after pictures http://cardioandkids.blogspot.com/2012/07/done-with-jillian-michaels-body.html I had another baby since then and had gained a lot back from that. So I restarted and just finished week 2 (well I finish week 2 tomorrow). And I'm blogging through it this time too. I've lost 9 pounds in the first two weeks. I always lose a lot at first.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Awesome job!! Is that just the workout or were you eating really well also? Just curious :)
  • I'm on day 2, and im already hurting. But it's a good hurt :) hoping I'll stay with it
  • madiao
    madiao Posts: 119 Member
    How many calories do you guys eat while doing JM programs? :)