Looking for positive friends on my weight loss adventure!

xUsagix Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I'm Ryan (yes, a female Ryan lol)
I'm looking for positive friends, so that we may encourage one another on our weight loss journey. I'm looking to lose 50+ lbs and to have a healthier, happier life with my young son. Add me please!


  • Glad to meet you! I'm adding now! I've lost 57 and have 39 to go! Be proud you have taken the active role in your health, look foward to watching your success story in my news feed! :)
  • Feel free to add me!
  • xUsagix
    xUsagix Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you guys so much! I'm so happy to find such an amazing support group with MFP. I Appreciate all of you! :)
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    Add me too dollface!
    I've got about 70 to lose, let's weather through the storm together.
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    what an exciting goal to look forward to! add me if you would like!
  • jozerrr
    jozerrr Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am just starting!
  • Add me I'm new :) I have 70lbs to lose :)
  • sagy1cor
    sagy1cor Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not new, but all my friends have seemed to drop off of mfp. I have a wedding in May and need to lose 30 pounds! Add me!
  • bignat716
    bignat716 Posts: 18 Member
    hello, you can add me if you'd like. i have 25lbs to lose.
  • mjc83
    mjc83 Posts: 19
    Hey. I'm trying to lose 50+ pounds myself. I know it's gonna be tough but if we all stay positive we can do it.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Add me. I also have the same amount to lose.
  • FunSkittles
    FunSkittles Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2015
    I too am new! All can feel free to add me :) the more support we all have for each other the better, right?
  • I don't know how to add ?
  • I'd love to be your friend
  • grooszeczka
    grooszeczka Posts: 113 Member
    I'd love to be friend of all of you!
    I want to lose 49 lbs and I could use your positive attitude ;)
  • txlawyer87
    txlawyer87 Posts: 14 Member
    I've just started my weight loss journey today, and need to find positive people as well! I need to lose 100lbs...add me! :)
  • Add me! Lost a total of 63 lbs with 60 more to go! Would love the encouragement and accountability/tips!
  • lisapoe04
    lisapoe04 Posts: 2 Member
    Just added you. I just started back up with MFP and have 75 lbs to lose! Looking for encouragement and support.