Using IIFYM's plans (Zone) on mfp

I did my TDEE with IIFYM's site and found the plan that comes closest to recommending 1g of protein per lb of body weight and has percentages that I can put in my mfp custom goals is the Zone Diet (so did Atkins but I don't agree with 5% Carbs).

IIFYM suggests x grams per lb of body weight but I can't do that on mfp so I set my goals to 30F/40C/30P per Zone. I am not going to do the Zone Diet (or any diet for that matter) but I'm wondering if using those percentages as a guideline makes sense. This will get me close to 1g/lb in protein so I'm good there but I'm not sure about about the fat and carb ratios.

I'm 54, 5'9", 164 lbs and sport the basic skinnyfat look, slender arms and legs but have a gut and moobs. I'm OK with my weight but not the way I look. I know exercise will help with that and am getting back into that as well as working on my foodal intake. I set my calories at 2,167 per IIFYM's weight maintenance suggestion.


  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    You can play around with the percentages until they are as close to what you need. I also started with a 40/30/30 (C/P/F) but found that was too much protein, more than 1g per pound of LBM. I currently have mine set to 45/25/35 (C/P/F) and that gets me to close to the desired number of grams I wanted for each category.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks. I forgot about LBM. I'm at about 24% body fat now so I don't really need 1g of protein per my scale weight. Time to recalculate!

    I used's LBM calculator and came up with 126 lbs. So I need to drop my protein settings.

    I just reset it to 45/25/30 CPF and that got it to 135 g protein, 20% dropped it 108 so I'm going to try the 45/25/30 for a while and see what happens. Thanks again, loulamb7!
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    What did you use for an activity level? That might effect your percentages as well. I set my activity to sedentary at first even though I workout about 5x week because I have more to lose. My breakdown is 50C-30P-20F