breastfeeding moms?

Breastfeeding mom to a 6 month old who just started solids so hoping to start losing some of this stubborn baby weight without compromising my supply! Anyone else in the same boat?


  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi there......Im breastfeeding my 17 month old. I was actually lucky to lose most of my baby weight with breastfeeding alone BUT now that Im not pumping and nursing mainly at night Ive begun to put some weight back on! Good luck!
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I tried starting an exercise routine a few months ago but my supply really suffered! And unfortunately breastfeeding has done nothing for my weight I lost 15lbs at birth and kept the other 30 haha here's hoping! I want to breastfeed as long as possible so taking it slow:)
  • AndaMae
    AndaMae Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I just had my 2nd baby in October. I lost all the weight as soon as he was born but ever since that I feel like I have gained some weight...not able to work out regularly like I had before and during pregnancy. Im also breastfeeding so I want to get a regimen without hurting my supply and somehow find the time.
  • KimsTakingControl
    KimsTakingControl Posts: 17 Member
    My baby is 2 months old. I Have a super good supply but I started a low calorie diet a week ago. The weight is coming off fast but I noticed a drop in my supply. It really worries me! Selfishly I don't want to stop my diet but at the same time I want to feed my baby.
  • AndaMae
    AndaMae Posts: 3 Member
    Kbelle...i feel same way. I want to get back into a good regimen but Im worries about low supply. I work and so its already been tough wirh having limited time to pump. I only make enough for each feeding..nothing extra. Def a challenge wanting to get back into shape AND keeping up breastfeeding. Time is also an between work..a preschooler and my 3month old who eats every 2hours...ded hard to step away to the gym.
  • Yes! I started going to the gym to weight lift 3x a week and I still have my baby weight. So stubborn! I'm breastfeeding a 10 week old. I take her with me and she hangs out and no watches mommy lift in the car seat. Can be a pain in the butt sometimes lol but its usually a good trip

  • joeyjo12
    joeyjo12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm bf my 2yo. You need to allow extra calories if you're bf, i think it's 500 per day? But my son doesn't feed lots so i might see how i feel without the extra calories now. On the mfp app you can search for breastfeeding and it'll add on minus calories :-) x
  • mrsmash29
    mrsmash29 Posts: 3 Member
    My LG is 8months, she is part breastfed as I have low supply and take meds. I really want to banish the baby weight but have been told by my GP that I shouldn't diet and going to the gym is a no no, especially doing weights. So I'm aiming for losing a little at a time and eating healthier.
  • Hi! My 5mo old is breastfed but starting on solids too. I lost 21lbs of the 28lbs I gained in the first week but haven't lost any since! :( It's so frustrating. So I'm definitely in the same boat. I'm trying to stick to just water and eating healthier, no change yet though.
  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    My baby is 5 mo old, also just started trying to lose weight. I work full time so I pump at work and I can see the difference in my supply. I have oatmeal every morning to help.
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    I have oatmeal as well. And eat an extra 500 calories a day to accommodate breastfeeding. I exercise daily and eat healthy so I'm not sure what else I can do. I'm already seeing a change in supply so I'm nervous what the future of my breastfeeding will look like. Is it the hormones that make weight harder to lose when breastfeeding? I am lucky enough to get to take my baby to work with me so no need to pump other than what i save up for later on but i haven't saved any the last 2 days:( Its frustrating! I just want to fit into my jeans again! I lost 30lbs using this app before hoping to lose some again!
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    Has anyone tried more milk plus pills?
  • AndaMae
    AndaMae Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks joeyjo12.. Didnt know we could plug that into the app.

    I try to get a run in on weekend mornings but between waking up...feeding...getting my 5 yr old to eat breakfast...there goes an hour and then gotta put little one down for nap..egh. But i just go day by day and try to workout whenever wherever..carrying car seat around in store..lifting car seat...squats when doing chores..etc....but still need more cardio.
  • jangelrose
    jangelrose Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    omg! I was looking for something like this. I have a 5.5 month old and I started trying to lose all this weight. I had *just* lost almost 50 lbs, and put it right back on when I got pregnant. So, I want it off again asap, and started a low cal diet with exercise until my milk slowed. Now I guess I gotta wait until she is older. I have no real plan or idea on how to proceed. Thanks for posting this!!
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    So glad I'm not alone:) i really dont feel like myself