losing 50+ pounds

Hello my name is Nicii, my stats are as follows: 5'6" 186lbs as of my last weigh -in on 01/05/15. My goal is to lose 52lbs with intense cardio little to no weights because the focus is
burning fat.
I am looking for others that can help me with accountability. attaching a pic of where I am starting from taken today 01/08/2015, plz be kind I know I am a mess.



  • lisa2job
    you dont look bad at all............... I lost 119 lbs 2 years ago and this last year got way off track and gained back 30 ............. getting back into this and trying to loose 50 lbs to be at my goal weight...
  • curlydaman
    curlydaman Posts: 7 Member
    I think most of the women are applauding your bravery and I too agree you did not look bad at all. I think we are always hardest on ourselves; however, I do understand the fact that you desire to lose the weight and for me the number one goal I have is to be healthy and maintain a life style of healthy living. I have lost weight before and don't have a problem losing weight my issue is consistency. Making this a true life term goal of healthy life style.
  • jdw10629
    I'm looking to take off at least 30. We can do this...you can do it! We have a similar shape....I do believe curves are beautiful...however, I would like mine to be tone. This is the first step.
  • Sagenettle
    Sagenettle Posts: 31 Member
    I'm looking to lose about the same amount of weight. I agree with the other posters you don't look bad, but it is about being healthy and happy with yourself!
  • fantabalous
    Hello I am restarting lost focus and now trying to get it back. We r same height n u r starting a 100lbs lighter than me. U look fab!! I am trying to loose between 50-80lbs. Lets do this n get it done!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Muscle burns fat!! Pick up those weights and you will burn fat around the clock as opposed to just burning fat during your workout. My body fat has never been as low as it's been since I focused more on strength training/lifting rather than just cardio. welcome! :)
  • jennibee
    jennibee Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with the other posters you look great, you can do this, I have been at this for a bit and down almost 60 and I still have another 50 to drop. We can all do this:)
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    Your courage is to be commended. You can do this, just a day at a time, some times its hour by hour. But even the most epic journeys begin with a single step. You go girl!