Swating for the Wedding!

Hello guys,

I have been bouncing back and forth with my weight my whole life...but the biggest day of my life is coming and I don't want to have regrets of 1) Looking fat on my wedding day 2) Going to Jamaica for my honeymoon only to try covering up and not living it to the fullest because I am worried about being in a bathing suit the whole time 3) starting a healthy and happy life with my fiance.

I am a 29 year old social worker from Michigan and I need some encouragement and inspiration. Anyone want to do this together?


  • Hey im getting married too so we need to look super great and lose the weight :)
  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    well, I'm not getting married anytime soon , but I have a couple of weddings I have to attend this summer and I want to look my best. I've also struggled with weight my whole life and though I've been working out daily for the last couple of years I haven't seen much improvement until I joined MFP. So, I' all for encouraging you to change and look the best you've ever had
  • trianglevision
    trianglevision Posts: 28 Member
    Me too! Looking to lose 15lbs for my wedding this July :)
  • We all can look great this summer. Motivation and MFP!
  • I'm getting married in 3 months and I need to lose 30!! Let's get it done!! We got this!!
  • Getting married in April with a long way to go to reach my weight loss goal.
  • theresar719
    theresar719 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm getting married next May but I'm also in 2 weddings this year and definitely need to love 50+ lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • rachelfm16
    rachelfm16 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not getting married until September, but I'm starting my health and fitness plan nice and early! Planning to be in a bathing suit the ENTIRE honeymoon in Costa Rica. Pura vida! I'm loving this app, but need some buddies in the same boat for motivation!
  • LaughinLovinm3
    LaughinLovinm3 Posts: 3 Member
    Im a social worker in mi also. Not getting married, but would love to join u!