Motivational Support

I'm looking for a partner for motivational support with my weight loss goal. People around me are becomming a little annoyed with me talking serious about getting healthy. I am 5'10, 195lbs...looking to get down to 170 +/-. Anyone in a similar situation? Message me...


  • milieve
    milieve Posts: 5 Member
    Hey you can add me
  • amyrichard34
    amyrichard34 Posts: 108 Member
    I am looking to lose about 15 pounds but more importantly, I need to stay accountable with working out everyday. I'm new to MFP and would like a few friends who are working towards similar goals.
  • estela715
    estela715 Posts: 19 Member
    Oo oo my gf is also tiring of me talking about healthiness lol I'm 5'2, down 22lbs and 4 to go, then tone tone tone. Add me!