Help! How do I eat healthy??

I was raised in a family where we didn't eat very healthy and I have grown up with no clue what to shop for, what to snack on or what food are best for weight loss! Please help me! I know everyone says protein and good fats but what is a good fat? What all has protein! My mom and I are both trying to make a lifestyle change but have no clue, other than salad what we should be eating! Thank you!


  • estela715
    estela715 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! Welcome! So glad you're ready to get your itty bitty yellow bikini on. Here is a very easy way to get started on eating healthier foods. I hope that helps, it has truly change my perspective on whats good and bad.
  • We are starting the Daniel Fast at our church this week for 21 days. It's only earth grown food. You can google it and a list of Daniel friendly foods to kick start you on what is wholesome and natural. That's a great way to start! There are no meats or dairy or processed foods. Good luck!!!! I'll be doing it!!!
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    My personal suggestion
    Eat the same foods you eat now, but less. But a food scale, weigh everything and log it.

    Once you got comfortable with that start introducing whatever you want and switch other foods out.

    If you try to do too much at the beginning it usually ends up in a disaster
  • I suggest home cooked meals rather than processed food, start by cutting sugars and high fructose corn syrup from your diet such as soda. Also aim for using neutral cooking oils such as canola or extra virgen olive oil! :) stay healthy!