where are the mommys??

kymmerz11 Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I have a 5 month old son and his name is Noah. I gained like 30 lbs above my usual weight since I had him and my weight keeps going up! Hoping to hear motivational stories from other moms or even anyone with a story. Young women too with No kids feel free to chime in


  • CnZnM
    CnZnM Posts: 8
    you and me both! My son is six months old and i'm also finding it very difficult to lose the baby weight. the scale is definitely not my friend right now!
  • kymmerz11
    kymmerz11 Posts: 10 Member
    @CnZnM‌ Yes! I don't get it. I was thinking Maybe I should just stop weighing myself. I lose 2 pounds and the next day I gained back 3! Sigh
  • blonka14
    blonka14 Posts: 8 Member
    I've always felt guilty leaving to work out when my kids were left at home. It's hard making time for myself. I took baby steps. I hated water my whole life. I started drinking more water and cutting out any juice or soda. I watched a lot of YouTube tutorials about weight loss. Someone mentioned green tea. I started that too. Later I started watching my calories. I went online and put my weight, height, and age and calculated how many calories I need per day. I ate all the same bad foods but not as much. I started losing weight without the exercise. Since I wanted to lose weight faster I would wait until I gave my daughter a nap then turned on my video station and danced for 30 mn every day. It's helped me a lot.
  • kymmerz11
    kymmerz11 Posts: 10 Member
    @BlonkaEquinox‌ that's very motivating. I been So lazy. And when he goes to sleep I usually find food to eat. I will try the 30 minute workout. My body feels very weak lately. Hmmm How does the green tea help?
  • bananna30
    bananna30 Posts: 149 Member
    Hey ladies, I am a mom to six kids a full time college student who works part time on campus....trust me taking time to take care of yourself is soooo important!! Being a mom can make finding time to workout a little hard sometimes, luckily there are tons of great workouts on youtube. I am 60 lbs down from my heaviest weight and most of it is from working out at home with youtube. Good luck on your weight loss journeys and feel free to add me I am always looking for friends who actively use MFP.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great job BlonkaEquinox!
    you're not really losing 2 pounds and gaining 3 in a day its water weight shifting, etc. It takes 3,500 calories for a pound.
    You can watch the scale, but overall, watch What your calories are. Keep them as healthy as you can. Tired mommas (I'm still one with a 5 and 7 year old) will grab 'whatever is handy' when tired, hungry and taking care of baby. Keep as many good things handy as you can. So if you buy veggies cut them up right away and put in baggies in the fridge Make it easy to get to.
    Drink that water

    one day at a time!!!!

    I understand the leaving for the gym. I started doing home workouts there are lots of Great things that are only 30 minutes and it Gives you energy.

    Most important Make a plan!!!!
    eating/workouts/baby, etc.... plan as much as you can I know babies are hard and mess up plans. But if you know you're planning on chicken for dinner, it can eventually get done somehow even if its as simple as being thrown in the oven and that's it.

    Good luck momma's!
    Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • blonka14
    blonka14 Posts: 8 Member
    Because I'm so stressed with so much to do I like to snack. Snacking was adding unnecessary calories. I didn't like the taste of green tea at first but I noticed when I kept sipping on that low calorie drink I wasn't snacking all through the day. It speeds you metabolic a little, but for me just gave me a low calorie drink that was better than eating. A million ppl mentioned it so I decided to try it. Every little bit helps. I was also obsessed with the scale. It takes a few days for your body to adjust to diet changes so instead of my every morning weigh in I do it every Sunday. If I have a bad food day I try not to give up and get on track the next day. I only tell other ppl that want to lose weight my stories. I stopped telling family and my husband. Too many expectations. It's worked for me
  • CnZnM
    CnZnM Posts: 8
    I should maybe try green tea.. Do any of you know if the loose skin will ever go away even after the weight is gone? I got terrible stretch marks when i was pregnant and im wondering if that affects it.