craving extra calories at the end of the day...?

Hey guys, so I eat fairly clean (almost no processed carbs, I’m cutting down sugar, 64 oz water daily minimum) and I’m wearing around 1200-1300 net c a day. This is about what I was doing before the holiday, but of course I let myself eat whatever I want because I had been so strict for such a long time.

Getting back in the routine, I’m working out less (I had to leave my gym where I was doing zumba 2x weekly and yoga once a week; at my new gym I do pilates 2x weekly and zumba once a week), and I’ve really tried hard to get back to it but at the end of the day, even with a diet similar to what I managed from September-December without serious binge issues, I find myself craving about 200-300 extra calories at the end of the day. This is what my diet looks like

breakfast, around 120c - usually a thin shake with a banana & almond milk [I know this is not much; I drink 2 glasses of water with breakfast and have never liked eating a full breakfast]

lunch: around 400-500c - usually a whole-wheat pasta dish with sauce and tofu or shrimp, salad with salmon, or curried vegetables with brown rice

snack: usually 100-200c - I often eat nuts or dried fruit as a snack around 2 hours after lunch

dinner: 500-600c - whatever my family eats, usually chicken, pasta, soup, etc.

Then around 10 or so, I get hungry again and often eat yogurt, nuts & fruit, or muesli coming up to an extra 200-300 calories - this is what I’m concerned about. Water doesn’t seem to cut it for me; no matter how much I drink, I still remain hungry.

I eat breakfast very early, around 6 AM, and am unable to eat again until 11:30 because I’m student teaching, then after that I can’t eat a snack until 3:30. Unfortunately, my parents (who I live with) like to eat dinner around 5 or 6 at the latest. Am I hungry in the evening because my family eats dinner too early? Or is it because my body needs the extra calories? Even eating the extra calories, I seem to still be losing fat, but I’m wondering if anybody can suggest a way to modify my eating plan/schedule so I can either avoid the snack at night or work it into my regular plan.

Let me know what you think!


  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    edited January 2015
    What do you teach? I teach 1st grade and eat a snack at the same time the kids do, but I can see how that might not be doable if you teach secondary kids that are changing periods. Could you add more veggies, so you're getting a snack with minimal calories?
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    I do teach secondary, and my class schedule is arranged so I have plan as my last hour. I have to be on campus from 7-3:30, and we’re generally not permitted to eat in the classroom or leave for the bathroom (*sob*) - I could definitely switch my nuts for raw veggies, though.
  • oinkyoinkerer
    I get 1200 calories and (I know this is bad but it's my downfall) I can fit in a bourbon at the end of the day or have calories left over. I think it is because I snack on carrots, blueberries, cucumber, smoked chicken, and tea with 20mls lite milk. I find these things have lower calories than other snacks. I would love to hear more low calorie snack ideas too. Also when I have a salad I fill it up with low calorie stuff so I can eat more haha
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    My lowest calorie snack is my breakfast shake - just 1 banana blended with half a cup of Almond milk. I got a single-serving blender for the holidays so I’m all about it right now!

    I find I have a real problem with snacks myself bc I love baking and letting go of my fancy rich chocolate cupcakes and breads has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done (years of practicing my frosting technique, wasted!). If I eat processed carbs of any type (chips, crackers, toast, etc) even if it’s paired with a “healthy” side (hummus or salsa) I just can’t stop. Single-serving sweets are terrible for me, too. I begged my parents not to buy me any chocolate for the holidays but they took a trip to Germany and brought tons for me, including my absolute favorite, Milka with Oreo.

    As a better replacement, I sometimes eat vanilla skyr (Nordic yogurt, like Greek on steroids) and mix in a little cocoa powder. My favorite is Siggi’s, which is super low-sugar, and therefore, low-calorie. It takes a while to get used to it but once I learned to like it, it’s awesome - and has more protein than sugar! It sits in your stomach like a happy dairy rock, for only 110 c.
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member

    As a better replacement, I sometimes eat vanilla skyr (Nordic yogurt, like Greek on steroids) and mix in a little cocoa powder. My favorite is Siggi’s, which is super low-sugar, and therefore, low-calorie. It takes a while to get used to it but once I learned to like it, it’s awesome - and has more protein than sugar! It sits in your stomach like a happy dairy rock, for only 110 c.

    Thank you for the recommendation! I will give skyr a try.
  • scallopedlove
    Are you even hungry at 5/6 when your parents eat? Also I wonder why you don't just eat dinner later. You're an adult, aren't you?
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    Around 10pm... perhaps try going to sleep instead?

    If you can eat more than what you are currently allocating, are still losing weight, and this is intentional - maybe then increase your day to day calories, and pre plan a post-dinner snack in advance.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    This is pretty much my situation. Plus I can't sleep if I'm hungry. I have just settled for a longer weight loss time. Water doesn't cut it for me either. I did notice adding beans(pinto or black) for one meal a day did help keep me fuller on less- guess I need to get back to that! Thanks for the post! Allow some calories for late night- regardless of the final calorie count you go with.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I'd have a hard time with your calorie distribution. I think I'd need to eat more calories for breakfast and a bit less at lunch. At dinner, could you eat a smaller portion and have some calories left for an 8-9pm snack?

    At the end of the day, drink hot tea, take a hot shower, go to bed early, and read a book until you fall asleep. I have found it's OK to be a little hungry when you go to bed.
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    Could you eat half your dinner with your parents and save half for later I you feel you should sit with them for dinner?
  • nottoofat51
    nottoofat51 Posts: 5 Member
    If you can eat a cucumber for a snack...big one is only about 30 calories. I keep a few in the fridge all the time for a late night snack. Some people hate cucumbers...

    How about getting an hot air popcorn popper...5 cups popcorn about 150 calories and i put a bit of Franks buffalo wings hot sauce on it (0 calories)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    First of all, if it's going to make it easier, more pleasurable and more sustainable, could you just plan a couple of hundred calories extra for late evening and still have a deficit? Could you lose on 1400/1500 net? (I don't know your stats). (Or go for a TDEE - x% method, which would spread your calories over the week and allow you more on non-exercise days, but less on exercise days, if that suits you better).

    Second, I have the same issue (I call it a danger point) of wanting to eat late evening. I have an early evening meal and eat nothing until breakfast. I don't have room for the extra calories, so I have to find other techniques! Going to bed early had been suggested, and it really does help (and having a good night's sleep is good for you!).

    If I'm really craving, then I have a small mug of decaff coffee, made with half water and half milk - the milk feels satisfying and it takes a while to drink as I'm sipping it. I usually find the cravings have gone when I've finished. Yes, there are some calories in the milk, but not as much as I would eat if I snacked, and psychologically, I prefer to have a drink to stay away from the eating habit.
  • Metazoick
    Metazoick Posts: 96 Member
    If you're eating a low number of calories, working out on top of it and you're craving a couple hundred calories every night... you probably just need those couple hundred calories. If you're still losing weight after eating it, and you feel better for eating it, I would just have the snack - if you start eating less than you need you will probably find your energy levels dropping and with a busy schedule that isn't going to work out well.

    Try eating the couple hundred extra calories a day and see how you feel, if you find yourself still hungry at night or your weight loss decreasing significantly you can readjust easily enough.
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    edited January 2015
    Weird question but could you shift your 'breakfast' to the evening? I often find I'm not that hungry at breakfast and I'm eating it out of habit more than anything else.

    Either that or yes, I'd eat my own dinner later or split it.
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I’ll definitely look at splitting my dinner! Unfortunately, (or perhaps not) my family has an ethnic tradition that it’s very important for us to all eat together. Whether or not I’m hungry, I have to put food on my plate and into my body! Oh well.

    Since I’m not able to eat until 11:30 and I get up around 5, I don’t think it would be possible to shift my breakfast until evening. I’m never hungry in the morning, but if I don’t eat a little something, I’m starving by the time 10 rolls around! Maybe I could split that, too, and freeze half for the night!

    I’ll try shifting stuff around a little and see if that deals with it, and if not... I guess maybe my body just needs the calories right now.
