I honestly don't know where to begin

Riqia Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
everyone in my family is pretty much big and living unhealthy lives, but I want so much more for myself. I've completed college, don't have any kids, and getting closer to my dream career.

I am currently going through a tough breakup and the thought of getting back out there while being overweight is scary. I would like to lose 130lbs, but I don't have any motivation to lose this weight, and I need to find some QUICK! Before I become extremely overweight and diabetic....


  • Harleyy3
    Harleyy3 Posts: 9 Member
    You need to believe in your self. Im currently just starting my weight loss journey to Im trying to drop at most 50ibs. Add me and when ever you need a little extra motivation ill be there. Good luck
  • getmean23
    I go on a website called theberry.com they have a daily motivation page which is great to put you in the mood to get started with a lot of workout tips and diet recipes as well!

    The biggest thing is to have a reasonable, practicle plan, don't try and overhaul your entire life in one week. Reward yourself for inches lost (not with food) and to remember it's a marathon not a sprint. it generally takes 8 weeks before you'll feel/ see the changes just keep telling yourself, 8 weeks!

    Good luck and Best Wishes
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm sorry about the breakup. I would start by figuring out all the reasons why it is a good idea to lose the excess weight you have, maybe by imagining your life as a lighter, stronger, healthier version of you also.

    Create a nice image in your mind and then realise it will take quite some time to get rid of the extra pounds, since it took some time to get them onto your body, too. You'll fall flat to the ground unless you maintain patience.

    Learn to use the various logging tools, get some friends, read up on the forums, and maybe join some groups too. The motivational stories are a great place, because they show real people, who lost in some case humongous amounts of excess weight in healthy ways without resorting to quick fixes.

    You can do this, as long as you take one day at a time.
  • Riqia
    Riqia Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks @Harleyy3‌ snd @getmean23‌, i will aim for the 8 weeks
  • Phriezia123
    Phriezia123 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Riqia, you sound just like me! I have 124 pounds to lose. I cannot believe I've gotten this bad. I am now diabetic and it scares me to death. You'd think that would give me the motivation to get busy and start getting healthy. But, I don't really know where to begin, either. My boyfriend got me a fitbit for Christmas. I like it because I know how much I've walked during the day and it monitors my sleep at night. It tracks many other things, but I'm starting out slow.
    I agree with Harleyy3. We do have to believe in ourselves. We've been using food to comfort ourselves AND we got this way because we have always chosen what's easy and comfortable.
    We can DO THIS, right?
    If you want to add me as a friend, feel free. We can keep each other posted on what works for us and what doesn't...as well as encourage each other.
    Best Wishes,
  • Riqia
    Riqia Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks @AglaeaC‌
  • Riqia
    Riqia Posts: 4 Member
    That's cool @Phriezia123‌ , o bought the misfit. It does the same things.
  • chikosola
    Start with little steps amd build on them steadily. Consistency is important and when you find its tough and you skip a session don't give up, get up and get back on track.Remember you need to burn to get a return!
  • legaleblond1985
    legaleblond1985 Posts: 7 Member
    With baby steps... don't look at your long term goal just yet... and this may not work for you... I work in small steps with small rewards. My overall goal is nearly 200 pounds, but I am looking at it in 20 pound increments. Furthermore, I am breaking those in half too... my ticker is set for 20 pounds, but I get a small NON food reward every ten. This could be something as simple as a new pair of yoga pants, or as large as new clothing. I also have a "bank" that I am putting $1 for every pound lost, and that will pay for my tattoo at the very very end... The girl I want to do mine does amazing abstract work, and it will have the total lost and the time it took me achieve this loss. Find soemthing you like doing and that will help you too... I found I was eating out a LOT because it was convient on my schedule - so I started freezer cooking - it takes me 1 full day every week - but I have my meals (with the exception of fruits (snacks) and breakfast cooked - all I do is reheat for the enxt two weeks. Don't like plain water bottles - splurge buy a pretty one - mine is pink and made by Thermos - it was 13.00 but I love it and feel lost with out it! Finally, find a buddy - on here, in your life, whereever - someone that will hold you accountable for your actions (and the reactions that these cause). have fun and enjoy becoming a new you!
  • Dj7403
    Dj7403 Posts: 3 Member
    Riqia wrote: »
    everyone in my family is pretty much big and living unhealthy lives, but I want so much more for myself. I've completed college, don't have any kids, and getting closer to my dream career.

    I am currently going through a tough breakup and the thought of getting back out there while being overweight is scary. I would like to lose 130lbs, but I don't have any motivation to lose this weight, and I need to find some QUICK! Before I become extremely overweight and diabetic....

  • Dj7403
    Dj7403 Posts: 3 Member
    Riqia, you have to be committed to your cause & you can do it. I weighted 256lbs on November 23, 2014 & today 222lbs. A health scare made me take a serious look at what I was eating. I plan to lose 10 to 12 more lbs. I dropped 25 points on my blood pressure. I used a program called Pureproactive.com. My friend was 330lbs & now 275lbs. He introduced me to program. I hope this helps & give you some inspiration. If you have any Qs let me know.