Any drinkers on here?



  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    You had me at drinking!!!!
  • There is always room in the week for cocktails...they don't count as far as I'm concerned!
  • TriciaB04
    TriciaB04 Posts: 9 Member
    This is the best thread I have read since I've been at MFP. Love my beer and love my bourbon. :) Love the buzz. Working to keep it at an enjoyable level and not so much a binge thing.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    I don't typically log my drinks as they mostly happen on Friday and Saturday and I'm really bad about logging on weekends. But, I am most certainly not about to give my idea of fun and that includes having some drinks and having a good party. Friend me if you like. :smile:
  • WendyFitMom
    WendyFitMom Posts: 7 Member
    Single mom with 3 boys here .... Yea, I'm not giving up booze anytime soon. Plus it keeps me warm in the MN weather (which sucks balls right now).

    Any others on here looking for fun, motivating friends can feel free to add me too.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm a drinker. It can affect my progress when I'm cutting mostly because, like last night, I tend to like to eat all the things after I've drank all the drinks. However, I'm able to stay lean while still drinking on a regular basis. I do work it into my calories. Generally by eating at a deficit on the weekdays so I can go over on the weekends.
  • crazyholly
    crazyholly Posts: 2 Member
    I too am a drinker. I have 4 or 5 vodka and Mio & Water a night. More on the weekends.
    I do 45 min of cardio and I don't use my surplus calories from that so there are my vodka calories.
    I lost over 65 lbs last year from Feb to June...and then stopped going to the gym and 20 lbs slowly came back on. As of Dec 28th I'm back at the gym and joine MFP and I'm down 4 lbs! Woot! Hoping to lose another 40 by summer.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • ChefSteveUrso
    ChefSteveUrso Posts: 84 Member
    I've lost 90lbs drinking 2 Becks light, or Heineken light, or 2 homemade sangrias a night. I used to be a really heavy drinker, but I just don't have my powers anymore. To enhance my relaxation buzz after work I take a couple tokes of calorie free weed and I'm a happy camper. I recommend it to everyone here.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    :D I was so happy to see this thread!!!!! I love my beer and it is a lot of the reason I have put on so much weight in the first place. My husband and I have decided to only drink on the weekends for the next couple of months. We were drinking just about every night for a few months there. I always logged and counted my beer when I was on MFP before and will continue to do again. I was successful in losing before when I exercised and drank several nights a week. I hope that I am able to do that again! Feel free to add me!
  • TracyShing
    TracyShing Posts: 48 Member
    Fellow drinker here! I'm a SoCal girl and I love my tequila. I drink it straight with a talk glass in water on the side. My goal is to only go out and eat/drink once or twice a month. All work and no play makes Tracy a cranky girl!! Friend me! I'm having difficulty with that function at the moment!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I usually have a few drinks on the weekends. I have to either work out or eat less to make room for the calories... so I use vodka in noncaloric mixers in order to not totally screw myself up. Tonight is goth night at the club, and so I arranged to be the DD so I will have only one or 2 beers early in the evening, then switch to water so I will be stone cold sober, and not way behind on calories, when it's time to drive everyone home. The plus side is all the dancing. We tear UP a dance floor and believe me that is a workout! :D Man, it's been ages since any club offered us a decent goth night on a regular basis. I remember when they were twice a week and I actually was semi slender just from all the dancing even though I still ate too much in those days.
  • NAG110664
    NAG110664 Posts: 10 Member
    I am a drinker, I have tried to cut down my drinking to once a week, normally on Saturday. I am newbie and just started MFP on Monday, have not had the opportunity to log any drinks as of yet, but I am sure that will change on Saturday. Cheers
  • dtcjem
    dtcjem Posts: 76 Member
    Yup! I am a drink about every day. Usually Vodka, but when calories are tight switch to Wine or a beer, like Select 55 (55 cals). I just log it and stay within my macros and best as I can. If I go over, I'll do better next time. As long as I am loosing.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I forgot to mention that my husband brews excellent hard cider. Sadly I almost never drink it due to the high calorie level. Pounds of brown sugar go in there with the apple juice and the brewing yeast and spices!!! I think it's part of why he is not doing as well on his weight loss journey, because he keeps forgetting the importance of logging liquid calories. Dude, ONE cider after dinner. Don't just sit there playing Skyrim and getting plastered lol, that makes u fat!
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    My diary is open...Gave up Beer for wine...Check out my 1200 calorie wine day not too long ago...ugh..
  • hockeymomrw
    hockeymomrw Posts: 35 Member
    Hockey mom, originally from Wisconsin. Need I say more? Though beer has probably caused 80% of my added pounds, I will continue to drink some. I'll just cut back!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    For the person wanting drinks with lots of flavor... Try Kraken rum or Bushmill's whiskey. I drink either of them on the rocks. Just measure your shots so u know the exact calories.
  • trazter31
    trazter31 Posts: 51 Member
    I will only drink on weekends now and only if i really want to.
  • roady29
    roady29 Posts: 86 Member
    love my wine...its a fruit its healthy...and full of antioxidants??
  • olyjok
    olyjok Posts: 133 Member
    Use to drink every day. Beer is not good for the cals or carbs. So down to one - two days a week. Captain or Whiskey. Just hit the workout before. Trying not to eat when drinking. My food judgement is not good when I have a few.