Any Advocare Members or Groups??

Hubby & I just started the nation-wide, "All-In", 24 Day Challenge from Advocare. I was looking for an Advocare Group, but can't seem to find a search feature in Groups. Am I missing something??

If there are no Groups, is anyone else doing the Challenge?! Maybe we can start our own group!!?!

Hope to see some other "All In" members!!


  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Hey! I plan to do the All In as well, but my stuff didn't come yesterday. hoping it comes today! We should be friends! :)
  • sarah2005
    sarah2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I started mine on Wednesday. Wow I am suprised yours didn't come livelifenow91 I'm on day 3 would love to have group
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I started the All In challenge Wednesday too. Did anyone make a group yet?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You're all kidding, right? Nobody really does this nonsense and pay for it too?
  • DragonzMom
    DragonzMom Posts: 6 Member
    Is there a group? I started late - day 2 today!
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    Good luck with whatever methods you choose, but be aware that talking about fad diets and pyramid scheme products on here tends to attract a lot of hostility and trolling.