Lose 5 pounds in January Open Group

Hi everyone, I loved this thread last year but noticed it only went through December so I thought I would start one for January. If there is already another one please let me know, I don't want to hijack it. I'll start with my goals:

SW: 165.0
CW: 161.0
GW: 156 (by end of month)
UGW: 130

I am currently not exercising until next week, so just healthy eating for now.

Good luck everyone!


  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Thank you for doing this! I am happy to participate and this will help keep me on track:
    SW: 215.8
    CW: 214.2
    GW: 210.8 (by end of month)
    UGW: 148

    My workouts will start next week. I wanted to have a week to get started again and see how that goes. Plus the weather here has been ridiculous and my 6 year old has been off school.

    See you next week.....and good luck!
  • trianglevision
    trianglevision Posts: 28 Member
    Me too!

    Sw: 152
    Cw: 148.2
    Gw: 145
    Ugw: 135
  • I started this process this week. My goal is to loose a pound a week.
    cw: 161.4
    Gw: 156 (by the end of the my intention is to loose 5 pounds)
    UGW: 152
  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member
    I am also starting workouts next week (once my boyfriend is out of town).
    GW:169 (by end of Month)
    UGW: 145
  • nataliea683
    nataliea683 Posts: 64 Member
    i'm in! i have already started exercising
    SW/CW: 172/ weigh day isn't until Tuesday so i don't know current weight yet! :blush:
    GW: 167 (by end of January)
    UGW: 145
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    By the way plan to weigh in 1x/week, your choice of day.

    How many calories are your diaries set to? I'm 5'3 for those with similar numbers.
  • smartin54
    smartin54 Posts: 15 Member
    Sw 191
    CW 189
    GW 184
    UGW 150

    1200 calories a day
    2 green smoothies and balanced dinner.
    psmd wrote: »
    By the way plan to weigh in 1x/week, your choice of day.

    How many calories are your diaries set to? I'm 5'3 for those with similar numbers.

  • nataliecarter2
    nataliecarter2 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in
    SW: 145
  • I'm in!! :)
    SW/CW: 177
    GW: 172
    UGW: 145
  • Weighed myself today... CW 174lbs!
  • ST 160
    CW 157
    GW 155
    UGW 150

    EXERCICES: alternate between yoga at home and active activity outside at least once a week.

    Keep up the good efforts for your goal people!
  • No idea what st and all those letters mean but i want to lose 5 pounds as well!
  • No idea what st and all those letters mean but i want to lose 5 pounds as well!

    Start weight
    Current weight
    Goal weight
    Ultimate goal weight
  • lisakozol
    lisakozol Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in. Just weighed myself:
    SW = 143
    CW = 143
    Goal weight = 138
    UGW = 120

    Exercise goal = 2 pilates and 2 cardio a week.
  • Mopar88
    Mopar88 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in.
    SW = 252
    CW = 209
    Goal Weight = 204
    UGW = 140

    Exercise at gym with cardio and weight training 4-5 days per week. :)
  • Onetwo_bre
    Onetwo_bre Posts: 43 Member
    edited January 2015
    I thought I did this today but now I cant find it. Please point me in the right direction if you see a double post. Thanks!

    SW: 188
    CW: 163.4 (as of Jan 5 2015)
    GW: 156
    FGW: 143

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): The scale and I weren't making nice yet
    01/03 Sat: 163.4
    01/10 Sat: 160.0
    01/17 Sat:
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 3.4

    Hi all! Right now I TurboFire and Run when I feel motivated enough to get on the dreadmill. I hope you are all off to a great start this year!
  • Monetp60
    Monetp60 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in:)

    SW: 235
    CW: 196
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Ooh.. better late than never! I'm in! Need all the motivation I can get ;)

    SW: 213.8 (1/1)
    CW: 211
    GW: 208.8
    UGW: 165... and i'll see how I feel from there ;)

    Exercise goals:
    - Gym 5 days per week! (2-3 strength sessions, and 2-3 cardio sessions including Body Combat, Zumba, Elliptical & Rower, and 1 yoga session)
    - Get outside, be active, and enjoy the Cali sun while I can!

    I'll be weighing out on the 26th, before I leave for holidays! (And then the test to keep up with my good routine starts!)

    2 weeks to lose 2.2 lbs... I got this!

    We've ALL got this! Go team! :D
  • snowdevilgirl
    snowdevilgirl Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in! Hit a plateau. .
    Sw 160
    Cw 141
    Gw 135
    Ugw 125
    I have been working out 4-5 days but have to cut back to 3 bc of work. We'll see how this goes.
  • Footlady123
    Footlady123 Posts: 15 Member
    SW 149
    CW 149
    GW 144
    UGW 138.891

    I eat ok too much sugar though and have got lazy as far as fitness goes