10 pound challenge for January



  • satergrl wrote: »
    I'm doing both. I'm eating lots of lean protien and vegtables. And I'm walking to and from work 4 1/2 miles
    flatlndr wrote: »
    wellness21 wrote: »
    A week late but 10# this month could be done. What are most people doing more of, calorie restriction or calorie burn?


  • Yup! Im down for it!!!
  • Sonia_weight
    Sonia_weight Posts: 27 Member
    I'll try!
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    Late, but in! Down 5 pounds already. Starting weight was 188, currently 182ish. Goal is at least down to 160 by the first week of April.
  • Foccacia48
    Foccacia48 Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2015
    okay it`s Friday weigh in day for our 10lb by end of January challenge!!! So excited so many of you are on board!!

    Starting weight for me Jan 2nd 265.8 lbs
    Weight as of today Jan 9th 258.6 lbs
    Loss of 7.2 pounds..granted a lot of it is water weight and the fact that I was probably full of you know what..I`ll take it!! :-)

    Looking forward to seeing other people`s progress!


  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    Starting weight was 188.8 on January 5
    Current weight is 182.4
    Doing induction phase of Atkins so I'm sure most of the loss is water. I've also been exercising for a 500 calorie burn each day this week so far, so I'm sure there is some fat loss going on as well.
    I don't have a goal weight as much as a goal size - I'd like to be a size 10 by the first week of April. Right now I'm a 14.
    I realize it is an aggressive goal, but I am totally determined and motivated and will gladly take whatever weight and size loss I end up with.

    Good luck everyone!
  • I'm going to do my weight in on Mondays...that's what I've always done and I started up again on monday so I'll weigh and measure again on the 12th. Good luck to everyone!
  • Foccacia48
    Foccacia48 Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck to you both notcorky and popefarms :-) Nice weight loss Corky.!
  • kimllr
    kimllr Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in.
  • kitsilana
    kitsilana Posts: 50 Member
    Alright, Friday weigh-in time for me

    Starting Weight: 187.83 (Jan 3rd)
    Current Weight: 186.07 (Jan 9th)

    Using MyFitnessPal, cleaning my house and making the most of the nice weather on the West coast :)
  • kitsilana
    kitsilana Posts: 50 Member
    way to go Ann-Marie and notcorky!
    Awesome start to the month everyone!
  • I want to join
  • Meeee, i would like to join :)
  • i'm in!
  • sydneywb86
    sydneywb86 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in!
  • Foccacia48
    Foccacia48 Posts: 23 Member
    You too Kitsilana..great start!! :-)
  • tmove2015
    tmove2015 Posts: 153 Member
    I'd love to join! how do I do that lol :)
  • ctleonard9
    ctleonard9 Posts: 50 Member
    I am in. will have to post nest week or tomorrow since I just saw this challenge this afternoon. I am trying the Medifast program and just started 5 January. I am exercising 3 - 4 times per week. Good luck to all!
  • I like to join..I started Monday on 1200 calorie diet. Am weight in at 177 pd.
  • flosoup38
    flosoup38 Posts: 71 Member
    Started on Monday lost 5lbs so far :-) Hopefully will continue to see good losses. Well done everyone on their losses so far too!