still 69.4 kg,..... aghhhh

I don't get it , i do nothing, eat like a slob, that contains 6 pieces toast a day etc and I stay the same, a month ago i decided to make a change to try to drop some kg... so i gave up toast, opting for corn crackers with lite cottage cheese for breakfast and salad for lunch, started doing 30 mins min exercise a day.. and making sure i drink 2 litres of water every day and you would think that would change something , a little but NUP still the darn same


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Because weight loss isn't necessarily about the types of food you eat, it's about the total calories you eat. So the question is, do you log your foods? And if so, do you use a food scale?

    If you just started logging, you need to give things a month to see if it's working..
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Eat at a calorie defecit

    Weigh all your food and log it

    You are eating at maintenance calories
  • i have been logging and staying under my 1200 most of the time in the last month, give or take some days.. ie xmas etc
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Can you open your food diary? Do you use a food scale?

    I ask because the most common issues are inconsistent logging and inaccurate measurements.

    Also, what are your stats (height, weight age, sex) and workout routine?
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    How long have you been doing it? It's not going to be instant, even at a deficit. Also, take measurements periodically; it may give some further insight.
  • i know i am DEFINITELY eating less than i was a month ago, as after the 6 bits of toast, was big bags of crisps, then tea which was always half the plate of chips or roast spud etc
  • psulemon wrote: »
    Can you open your food diary? Do you use a food scale?

    I ask because the most common issues are inconsistent logging and inaccurate measurements.

    Also, what are your stats (height, weight age, sex) and workout routine?

    what do you mean a food scale?? ie scales???? to weigh how much food, yes i do. and height is around 162cm, weight 69.4, age 35 female. And workout is different daily, either swiming , walking , aerobic fitness etc
  • opened diary now,... was on holiday for a while, still trying to be good though
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    One thing I notice is that there are a couple of days when you haven't logged at all. For me, those are usually busy days when I eat more than I ought to and/or go out drinking. This can outweigh good work done the rest of the week.

    Another tip is to be consistent about what time of day you weigh yourself and weigh naked. I go for in the morning after I have been to the loo but before I shower.

    Finally, make sure you check calories on MFP match the ones on the packets, that you have selected the correct portion sizes (a lot of pizzas for example quote portions as 1/2 a pack, which is cheeky), and that the calories sound sensible. For dry food e.g. rice be careful they don't trick you with dry calories vs. cooked calories.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You only have a couple of days logged. It takes time. Weigh and measure your food, eat at a deficit and you'll lose.
  • soo i wanted to come back all to say I finally started losing weight...... its like it was at a stand still till my metabolism sorted itself out, now i am happy to eat 1200 calories... seems easy peasy compared to earliar when i thought i was dying starvation.... soo to anyone else reading this, stick it out... it works eventually.. iaint lost heaps ... but at least its coming DOWN now
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    jacqui248 wrote: »
    ...till my metabolism sorted itself out


    You know that's not what happened, right?

  • well i think it is..... im doing the same as at the start ..... and now its coming off... figure i've got more muscle from exercise now....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    jacqui248 wrote: »
    well i think it is..... im doing the same as at the start ..... and now its coming off... figure i've got more muscle from exercise now....

    Your metabolism controls most of the major systems in your body. If it shut itself off, you would be dead. Also, you might have gotten stronger from exercise, but you haven't gained any muscle, especially while eating 1200 calories and not doing a progressive overload weight training program. The more likely scenario is, you retained fluids from muscle tears when you just started to work out.

    But it's good to know you are losing weight. I personally think 1200 calories for an active person is too little. But hey, that is another issue to tackle later on.