50 lbs to lose! Looking for friends,motivation, and happiness

Hi:) Im 24 years old and from Ohio. The last couple years I have put on a whopping 50 pounds mainly due to a lack of exercise and love of food. I also tend to eat when I'm sad, or happy.. really any emotion. But I'm off to a great start and looking for all the help I can get! I'd love to make some new friends on here to keep me on track with my new lifestyle and I'll help to motivate you as well:). I enjoy riding my horses and I'm going to start going to the gym again!! Can't wait to continue on this journey of finding myself and creating healthy habits:)


  • I'm in Ohio also (Fairfield). This is my 32 day using MFP and I'm down 41 Lbs. so far. I like that I can look at a food and say, hmm, that piece of pie will be mine after I walk another 2 miles. My energy level is up and my appetite is actually down. Plus I'm eating healthier (veggies are my new best friend). So I'm motivated and it sounds like you are too. I would be happy to cheer you on.
  • I'm in Ohio too (Garfield Heights), and also have about 50 lbs to lose... again... lost it a couple years ago and then my mother in law moved in with us lol. Lets motivate each other! :)
  • ValerieJean
    ValerieJean Posts: 35 Member
    i could use friends as well, i just had a baby 12 weeks ago and i got some weight i need to lose.
  • Hey there! I feel like the black sheep- I am not from Ohio, I'm from Canada... but, I do have roughly 50 pounds to lose as well (lost 15 pounds since August!), and I am also an emotional eater. Feel free to add me! I like motivation:)
  • SGJ86
    SGJ86 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • saminabilal
    saminabilal Posts: 69 Member
    Add me also :)
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    im your neighbor, i live in pa about 15 min from ohio, i eat when im bored...i bought a digital scale and have premeasured out snacks. it helped me lost the same 25-30 lbs twice...i became pregnant last year and my daughter is 6 months old. you can add me if you would like too.
  • eabeach008
    eabeach008 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all so much::)) really looking forward to seeing results!
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    I also have about 50 pounds to lose :) Feel free to add me, and we can work together!
  • Feel free to add me as well. I have 60 pounds to goal.
  • sarah72085
    sarah72085 Posts: 18 Member
    I'd love to have some friends for encouragement. Feel free to add me :) I'm looking to lose 50 to start and hopefully more.
  • AisWilson
    AisWilson Posts: 21 Member
    I'm the other lost sheep. Utah here! Ha! I need more motivation and support. Anyone can follow me too!
  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I have about 40lbs to lose and need that extra motivation.
  • heatherramey
    heatherramey Posts: 1 Member
    I live next to Ohio. Indiana actually. Im doing a 90 day challenge (started 1/1/15) with my fitness group and MFP is one thing holding me accountable. Would love some support from anywhere!
  • I am bobbi from toledo oh. I am new here and really struggling to make healthy life changes. I want to lose 100 lbs.
  • six1908
    six1908 Posts: 99 Member
    I live in WV (close enough to Ohio haha) and would love some pals. Feel free to add
  • CASue13
    CASue13 Posts: 15 Member
    Go2Mars wrote: »
    I'm in Ohio also (Fairfield). This is my 32 day using MFP and I'm down 41 Lbs. so far. I like that I can look at a food and say, hmm, that piece of pie will be mine after I walk another 2 miles. My energy level is up and my appetite is actually down. Plus I'm eating healthier (veggies are my new best friend). So I'm motivated and it sounds like you are too. I would be happy to cheer you on.

    41 pounds in 32 days? Wow - how do you do that? More details please. Thanx.
  • This may be silly, but I just read an article about how if you eat when you're bored/stressed/sad/emotional, you should try eating with your non-dominant hand (your left hand if you're right-handed), which will help you pay more attention to your eating. Worth a shot!
  • linzb91
    linzb91 Posts: 9 Member
    I am the farthest black sheep out here in Oregon ;) Big time emotional eater with a LOT to lose, but baby steps of 10 lbs at a time makes it seem much more doable. Anyone in the same boat feel free to add me!
  • linzb91
    linzb91 Posts: 9 Member
    This may be silly, but I just read an article about how if you eat when you're bored/stressed/sad/emotional, you should try eating with your non-dominant hand (your left hand if you're right-handed), which will help you pay more attention to your eating. Worth a shot!

    If I ate with my left hand I'd be lucky to get it anywhere near the vicinity of my face! My left hand doesn't listen very well haha ;)