Looking for Motivation and Friends :)

hinaisold Posts: 19 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I've been using MFP on and off for 2 years. I haven't really ventured out into the community but I feel that I need to do so now. I've basically lost all the weight that I needed to and I'm planning on shifting to maintainance soon.
I could really use some support and motivation for this because everyone I know is so tired of hearing about my diet and so on :\

I hope we can be fitness friends!


  • kshah65
    kshah65 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes id love to be your friend
    I have just started may b u can advise me with some helpful tips
  • Exercisewoman
    Exercisewoman Posts: 52 Member
    Hi there. Yes I'm looking for new friends on here. Only got 1 at the moment. I really love exercise and keeping fit, but need to lose weight.:-)
  • Hi I'm looking for new friends to help me stay motivated and start exercising too! I'll give you an add!
  • hinaisold
    hinaisold Posts: 19 Member
    :D I'm so glad I got three new friends.
  • Hello. It would be awesome if you would be my friend. I just started using myfitnesspal.