this is MY year!

I've let work, parenting, & just bacic LIFE take presedence over my over all health & fitness. Over 100 lbs to lose and I will suceed! >:)


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    You WILL Succeed and this is absolutely YOUR YEAR! <3 Congrats for signing up and believing in yourself enough to join! Welcome :)
  • Everyone has the power to do what they want. It just takes that one little moment in life or that one person in your life to remind you that in fact you CAN do it! Keep it up girl! Success is such a beautiful feeling!!
  • RBRoy
    RBRoy Posts: 31 Member
    Way to go!!!! You will do it! I want to do the same. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you want any more encouragement along the day. rbroy -Becky:)
  • Great attitude! I'm with you. I was just thinking yesterday that I have wasted too much time and this is the year that it all needs to change.
  • Thank you all for being on this journey with me ;)