I have a lot of weight to lose


I am newer to this and so far I am doing ok. I am looking for friends who have a lot of weight to lose. I have about 170lbs to lose. I am trying to do this all on my own but I am finding that it is hard to. I am looking for friends who are in the same or similar situations. People who need motivation and are willing to also motivate. :)

I am 30 years old. I am a paramedic so there are times its hard to eat healthy so I am really trying hard. If you want feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks.



  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there Ashley,
    Welcome to MFP!!

    It sounds as though you have the perfect attitude to make this lifestyle work well for you, give it 110% and you'll get 110% back out of it!

    Wishing you all success on your journey!

    All the best,
  • Thank you. I am really going to work at this. I have lost over 30 pounds in the past and am still maintaining so I know I can do it. I need to stick with it this time. I can sometimes get discouraged and thats when I stop.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    The best advice that I can give to anybody starting out here is not to think of this as a diet, not to think of this as any short term change. This is a lifetime healthy lifestyle change that should you accept and adapt to it carries lifelong positive lifestyle advantages!

    Give it your all...You got this!!!
  • kimbuglee
    kimbuglee Posts: 1 Member
    I'm doing the same thing, but trying to lose 50 lbs so I can donate. Its hard to get that motivation to start.
    You can do it though :)
  • robinrmcfal
    robinrmcfal Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! Send me a friend request & we can help each other. :)
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I have 134lbs to lose
    I got to goal 10 years ago and gained it all back
    This time I am doing this for me
    I started on Tuesday and it's going ok so far
    I have a long way to go
  • lisafunnye36
    lisafunnye36 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ashley,
    I agree with Adam. Losing weight is a lifestyle change not a diet. I am living the new change now. I have struggled with being over weight all of my adult life. I am 44 years old and have tried lots of different diets. My weight lost did not began being successful until I made up my mind. You cannot do this alone you will need a support team. My husband is my support. I have lost 58 lbs so far I still have 160 to go. WE can do this.
  • Hi I started 2yrs ago and had a lot of weight to lose I work in the care sector and like u grabbed food when I could and it was always high calorie fast food. It was hard and some days I gave in and ate anything in everything I could because after being over weight for so long genuinely thought I wouldn't get there. Then I started to change my mindset took each pound lost as one of the best achievement of my life because to me it was I would go home and find something that weighed the same amount I had lost and it would motivate me for the following week. I have lost 5st up to now and I cannot believe how much my life, confidence, and belief in myself has changed. Good luck on your journey I wish u success with all my heart and if u need to talk or someone to drag u back on track I am hear xx
  • mistressmidnight
    mistressmidnight Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ashley

    Im beginning my journey as well. I need to lose a lot as well. I have come to a point in my life where the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain that change brings. Im ready to change my life style and I am finally ready to confront the emotional issues that have created my dysfunctional relationship with food. My husband is great support source but I need to build a community of friends as well
    I've spent the last for years working out of my car which made eating healthy difficulty. Feel free to friend me. I have to lose at least 200 lbs so I'll be around for quite dome time.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    The best advice that I can give to anybody starting out here is not to think of this as a diet, not to think of this as any short term change. This is a lifetime healthy lifestyle change that should you accept and adapt to it carries lifelong positive lifestyle advantages!

    Give it your all...You got this!!!

  • Hi Ashley. I'm doing the same thing, having 100 lbs to lose. My brother had some kind of surgery for weight loss and has lost over 100 pounds. He's on a diet watching his carbs, sodium, and fat. I've been reading about Dr Atkin who has shared his new way of eating. I'm especially watching my carbohydrates and sodium intake. I realized in the past I lost weight drinking logs of water. Agree that we need each others support We can do this.
  • tstricklin3833
    tstricklin3833 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ashley
    I'm beginning my journey as well, once again. The last 2 years have been tough . I`ve gain about 50 lbs. I had a very physical job but my husband and i both lost our jobs due to a bankruptcy in the steel industry. I now am a Medical Assistant in a Dr office . i am having a very hard time getting a grip on myself but I`m getting though this. Its very tough. When i first started i loss about 10 lbs , then the holidays came and so did all the goodies and my will power went out the door. But I`m back on track again and plan to stay . I`m all ears and will be here ..Thanks
  • Hi Ashley, I started my journey about 5 months ago and have lost 33 lbs. Since the first of the year I have committed to walking at least 30 minutes 6 days a week. I limit my calories to less than 1200/day and keep it low sugar. The hardest things for me is the daily walking (I am not very active) and giving up sodas and artificial sweeteners. I have a goal of 30 more pounds this year. I feel absolutely great and I'm hoping using MFP to track my food and exercise will help to motivate me! I look forward to being able to chat with others on the same journey! This picture is what prompted my journey! When I saw it, I knew it was time.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I am right there with ya lady..27 and 110 pounds to lose!! We can do it!
  • bzumwalt1
    bzumwalt1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ashley, I am also looking to lose around 200 lbs. I think the support and motivation is key, especially on those days where you feel like giving up. I'm am trying to change my mindset and it seems to be an inner struggle every day. I've put this off for so long that I feel this year has got to be the year I make those life changing dreams into reality. It is getting harder and harder to be heavy the older I get. I'm trying to remember, that being overweight is hard work, why not make permanent changes in how I eat and think and live. If I would just stick with it, everything else will become easier. Here's to a year of being extraordinary! Let's do this!
  • RunnethUpB
    RunnethUpB Posts: 18 Member
    I'm with you! Going from 287 to 175! Let's keep going! Adding you!!
  • phattygirlslim
    phattygirlslim Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm just starting my journey and I have about 130lbs to drop. I would love to do this together. Can't wait to see your success story.