Sad and fat old warrior in Kentucky looked in the mirror and realized realty

hi every! I used to be a very fit Marine, served 11 years. Was running 26 miles x 2 week and averaged 8 to 15 the other days. I was injured, could not run and fell in deep deep depression and gained 50 lbs with "I feel sorry for myself" eating.
I realized that I am killing myself when my doc said I am pre diabetic.
So here I am starting new determination to heal physically with strong emotional drive.
Hi to everyone and thank you for letting me in.


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    You will be fit again. You sound like you definitely have the "right stuff".

  • lanniesue
    lanniesue Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for your service!!! You can fight for your/our country, so it will be easy breazy for you to get back in shape (positive thoughts). You have what it takes-you are a Marine-be proud. Don't look back as to your gain, just look forward and know that you can do this. MFP is very supportive. I wish you the best of luck and will be praying for you to get back to your old self.
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    Welcome Mommaduckee, You have so got this!!
  • steveg1982
    steveg1982 Posts: 16 Member
    You're going to do it! Look ahead and visualize your success! Before you know it you'll hit your first milestone and then get the momentum you need to see this through to your ultimate target. Let's connect!
  • You are all so nice. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes - not from depression but from happiness and gratitude that I found you all. Rather then try and be my old self, which is impossible because part of my soul is still on the front lines, I will instead become who I want to be today - healthy and fit. It is part of what my counseling has taught me.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You can do this!!! :-)
    I know exactly what you meant by the" feeling sorry for yourself eating" I felt the same way for many years until I finally had enough. Mfp is a great place. All you need is a food scale to get started:-) weighing and measuring and accurately logging your foods is very important.
    Best of luck to you!! :-)
  • AZTallguy
    AZTallguy Posts: 154 Member
    Hello and welcome! You have a great new determination, you can do it. Kudos to acknowledging your depression, by doing so you're giving it less power. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • SarahTrainingMuc
    SarahTrainingMuc Posts: 2 Member
    The same with me (goal minus 40kg) - but remember how u managed it in the earlier times and change your eating habbits to the actual lifestyle, start running again abd/or take a personal trainer (as I do). After 6 weeks I feel very great and happy that I decided to change sth in my life. And now it's ur turn...