Looking for encouragement and motivation.

Hey there, I am looking to lose about 25 lbs. getting married in Mexico in May and still have baby weight plus more that id like to shed. Trying hard! Looking for that extra push with an awesome support system! Please feel free to add me and we can help each other reach our goals!


  • jrivera1227
    jrivera1227 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it! Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I am trying to also lose weight but for my sister in law's wedding. I have found that My fitness pal really helps in keeping me on track with counting calories. Good luck!
  • kkann91
    kkann91 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with you, getting married in August!
  • Vese52
    Vese52 Posts: 2 Member
    Quest bars