Just turned 40 and ready to get the weight back off!

Monique1205 Posts: 3
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
about 3 years ago I lost a lot do weight and kept it off! Then last year trauma happened and I gained a lot of it back! Now I'm ready to get it back off.. First week and down a few pounds!


  • Penny4em
    Penny4em Posts: 12 Member

    My motivation is turning 40 this year!! Want to look my best for my big day. Good luck x
  • Yes originally that was mines when I first started! My theme for my party was going to be '40 and fly!' I still had a party and had fun my family and girlfriends all dressed in gold and we partied in Vegas for the weekend
  • I'm not big on birthdays but 40 is the milestone that I hope to be in best shape of my life. It deserves a really good celebration, eh. Good stuff guys, keep it going - #neverQuit

  • LOVE iT!
  • Turned 40 this summer,it's time to do this!! Hopefully for the last time & a lifetime!
  • spaterson005
    spaterson005 Posts: 24 Member
    Well done you