Help! I'm a sugar and carb addict. Any pointers on substitutes?

CrystalPait Posts: 1 Member
Help! I'm a sugar and carb addict. Any pointers on substitutes?


  • kilomike13
    Stevia is the best. Increase your water and protein intake.
  • Lauradewoody
    I use almond flour to 'bread' meat cutlets before baking or sauteeing instead of wheat flour. It makes a nice tasty coating.
  • Elizabeths0924
    Elizabeths0924 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been using cauliflower recipes instead of pasta sauces, pizza crust, and even bagels by using it with almond and coconut flower. Zucchini noodles instead of pasta is also delicious!
  • sumkindapsycho
    Spaghetti Squash is a good one too. :D
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Crystal there are some good thoughts here. My 40 year old sugar/carb addiction was so strong cutting back was not working out for me so Oct 2014 I just went cold turkey on sugar/grains. After two hellish weeks the cravings faded and the sugar crashes, headaches left and have not yet returned. Not sure this would work out for others but the reduced arthritis pain was worth the eating lifestyle change in my case.
  • megglipuff
    I always try to ration out my carbs but I've decided this time to go cold turkey. I did the Paleolithic diet for a while and the high protein helped battle the carb addiction, but ony for so long. The ony thing that helps me is drinking green tea when I crave sugar/carbs. Still working out the kinks though. Nothing beats chips and chocolate
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Why are people suggesting carbs and sugars to a self proclaimed addict?
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    Crystal there are some good thoughts here. My 40 year old sugar/carb addiction was so strong cutting back was not working out for me so Oct 2014 I just went cold turkey on sugar/grains. After two hellish weeks the cravings faded and the sugar crashes, headaches left and have not yet returned. Not sure this would work out for others but the reduced arthritis pain was worth the eating lifestyle change in my case.

    I 100% agree with Gale - I went cold turkey 11 days ago and now I am starting to come out of the other side feeling so much better. It was hard but I think it's the only way I could manage it - I know it doesn't work for everyone. I have been eating high fat (cheese, heavy cream, deli meats, peanuts/peanut butter etc) to combat my cravings and they are almost gone...(I still have to take a deep breath to walk past the snack cupboard!), but I am getting there - Add me if you like :smile:

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Kymsanity wrote: »
    Crystal there are some good thoughts here. My 40 year old sugar/carb addiction was so strong cutting back was not working out for me so Oct 2014 I just went cold turkey on sugar/grains. After two hellish weeks the cravings faded and the sugar crashes, headaches left and have not yet returned. Not sure this would work out for others but the reduced arthritis pain was worth the eating lifestyle change in my case.

    I 100% agree with Gale - I went cold turkey 11 days ago and now I am starting to come out of the other side feeling so much better. It was hard but I think it's the only way I could manage it - I know it doesn't work for everyone. I have been eating high fat (cheese, heavy cream, deli meats, peanuts/peanut butter etc) to combat my cravings and they are almost gone...(I still have to take a deep breath to walk past the snack cupboard!), but I am getting there - Add me if you like :smile:

    You went cold turkey from sugar and carbs by eating things with sugar and carbs? We must have different definitions of cold turkey

  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    Look into Paleo and keto lifestyles.