First timer: 30 day shred support

Hi. I joined MFP just this morning because it was recommended to me as a good base of support. Starting Monday I'll be completing the 30 day shred (Though in 6 weeks instead of 4, two weeks per level).

I've failed at losing weight and becoming fit in the past because when I needed it most, I had no support and a whole lot of self anger and cravings. I'm working on learning to be self-supportive, but feel like I need help from others too.

If anybody is interested in providing some advice or guidance over the next 6 weeks and possibly longer, I would be very happy. I just need someone to tell me it'll be ok in the end when I won't believe myself.

I'd be very happy to reciprocate.


  • Hi, I literally joined mfp just now. I'm working on the self supportive thing too. My self confidence is at an all time low right now. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • I just joined! I want to lose at least 30lbs!!
  • jjskv92013
    jjskv92013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I started the 30 day shred 6 days ago, but have been working out consistently,since about a year ago, for two months. I think that being able to motivate yourself will be the best for you. I would recommend setting small goals while trying to achieve a bigger goal. I think 30 day shred will be very helpful with aiding in setting mini goals because you can think of it as taking it 10 days at a time. 10 days fly by and then you have accomplished your first fitness goal. I say continue to look within, know that you are doing this for yourself and you'll be able to push yourself as far as you want to go. Good luck :)
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    jjskv92013 wrote: »
    Hi, I started the 30 day shred 6 days ago, but have been working out consistently,since about a year ago, for two months. I think that being able to motivate yourself will be the best for you. I would recommend setting small goals while trying to achieve a bigger goal. I think 30 day shred will be very helpful with aiding in setting mini goals because you can think of it as taking it 10 days at a time. 10 days fly by and then you have accomplished your first fitness goal. I say continue to look within, know that you are doing this for yourself and you'll be able to push yourself as far as you want to go. Good luck :)

    Thank you very much. I think you are right about setting small goals. In the past, that was one of my biggest problems. I wanted to lose weight instantly. I've set myself a realistic final goal this year, which I think will make a difference. As for self-motivation, I'll keep working hard at it, but sometimes I've eaten a whole bag of doritos before I can even comprehend the craving.
  • CvJ626
    CvJ626 Posts: 6 Member
    Even if you have one bad day, such as skipping a workout or bad eating choices, don't give up! Small steps in the right direction are better than no steps at all. I started back on MFP this past week and I also use JM DVDs to get me back into the groove of working out. You can do it!!!
  • jodielarms
    jodielarms Posts: 51 Member
    I've been using mfp on and off for a few months now but nothing consistent. Like you I've never been good at supporting or believing in myself. I'm the type of person who never sees the silver lining but I always sees my failures. I'm hoping to learn to stop beating myself up and to acknowledge what I did accomplish.
  • Kapoten
    Kapoten Posts: 327 Member
    I find it helpful to keep in mind that you don't need to be "perfect" to get fit or lose weight. Anyone who aims for perfection (never overeating, always exercising) will inevitably fall short and be disappointed (and maybe then throw in the towel and give up). Getting it right most of the time is good enough :smile: No one, no matter their weight, has perfect self-control, so going off plan from time to time doesn't make you a failure, it makes you normal!
  • memlady
    memlady Posts: 13 Member
    I too just started MFP and I am my biggest motivator. I have only shared my desire to lose weight with the people on here because it seems in my circle of friends the more people I tell I am losing weight the more things they find wrong with my way. I have found that something is better than nothing at all and heading in the right direction is the first step in any journey. MFP is definitely a good start!!!
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    CvJ626 wrote: »
    Even if you have one bad day, such as skipping a workout or bad eating choices, don't give up! Small steps in the right direction are better than no steps at all. I started back on MFP this past week and I also use JM DVDs to get me back into the groove of working out. You can do it!!!

    Thank you! All the best to you too!
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    I too just started MFP and I am my biggest motivator. I have only shared my desire to lose weight with the people on here because it seems in my circle of friends the more people I tell I am losing weight the more things they find wrong with my way. I have found that something is better than nothing at all and heading in the right direction is the first step in any journey. MFP is definitely a good start!!!

    I thought MFP was a good place to start. :smile: It's the first time I've actually joined though. Everybody seems so positive here.
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    Kapoten wrote: »
    I find it helpful to keep in mind that you don't need to be "perfect" to get fit or lose weight. Anyone who aims for perfection (never overeating, always exercising) will inevitably fall short and be disappointed (and maybe then throw in the towel and give up). Getting it right most of the time is good enough :smile: No one, no matter their weight, has perfect self-control, so going off plan from time to time doesn't make you a failure, it makes you normal!

    Thank you. :smile: I've been told that before, but growing up in a family of perfectionists made it pretty hard to recognise small victories. Especially a family of perfectionists with a high metabolism and no need to worry about weight. Except for me. I'm working on it though!
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    I recently finished 30 day shred! Do yourself a huge favor and MEASuRE all over. After doing that workout from October to the end of December off and on and finally finishing it after ... Oh maybe five years and I can't count how many tries I completed it! I only lost a few pound because my diet wasn't super strict but I lost some good inches here and there and it really inspired me to keep going. Now I'm trying the ripped in thirty. Jillian - I hate her! I love her! You can do it and having a posse is so fun! I know there is a 30DS group and I was in there. It's fun to watch how others are doing and see their results. Good luck! Welcome!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Joining a group that is also starting the 30 day shred is very helpful. The daily check-ins and updates from other members will keep you motivated to finish. You can do it!
  • Blind_Pilot
    Blind_Pilot Posts: 64 Member
    i loved 30 day shred!!!got jillian's ultimate collection on dvd, no dvd player at the minute tho, but will be starting them again as soon as i pick one up!! i'll send you a FR.
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    I recently finished 30 day shred! Do yourself a huge favor and MEASuRE all over. After doing that workout from October to the end of December off and on and finally finishing it after ... Oh maybe five years and I can't count how many tries I completed it! I only lost a few pound because my diet wasn't super strict but I lost some good inches here and there and it really inspired me to keep going. Now I'm trying the ripped in thirty. Jillian - I hate her! I love her! You can do it and having a posse is so fun! I know there is a 30DS group and I was in there. It's fun to watch how others are doing and see their results. Good luck! Welcome!

    Haha! Thank you so much! I'm going to try and find a group, literally right after posting this. Thank you for the advice and inspiration. :smile: The advice on measuring rather than weight is brilliant!
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    i loved 30 day shred!!!got jillian's ultimate collection on dvd, no dvd player at the minute tho, but will be starting them again as soon as i pick one up!! i'll send you a FR.

    Brilliant, send me a FR! Fingers crossed you get a DVD player soon!
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    Joining a group that is also starting the 30 day shred is very helpful. The daily check-ins and updates from other members will keep you motivated to finish. You can do it!

    Thank you! I'll take your advice and do that now. :smile:
  • jjskv92013
    jjskv92013 Posts: 3 Member
    Daenae18 wrote: »
    jjskv92013 wrote: »

    Thank you very much. I think you are right about setting small goals. In the past, that was one of my biggest problems. I wanted to lose weight instantly. I've set myself a realistic final goal this year, which I think will make a difference. As for self-motivation, I'll keep working hard at it, but sometimes I've eaten a whole bag of doritos before I can even comprehend the craving.

    No problem and I totally understand. I think the key to breaking those bad habits it to not feel like it's the end of the world when you slip and have too many Doritos. Instead, reassure yourself that you are human and the Doritos are good, lol, but, you can always have a better meal next time. Everyone had their snacks you just have to pull yourself out of it and not give up.
  • jjskv92013
    jjskv92013 Posts: 3 Member
    No problem and I totally understand. I think the key to breaking those bad habits it to not feel like it's the end of the world when you slip and have too many Doritos. Instead, reassure yourself that you are human and the Doritos are good, lol, but, you can always have a better meal next time. Everyone had their snacks you just have to pull yourself out of it and not give up.
  • keelz2010
    keelz2010 Posts: 182
    I starting the 30 day shred this afternoon, I'm dreading as I'm so unfit!