Do you eat the [Atkins] snacks for low/no sugar "desserts"?

Yes, I'm with everyone on fitting your calorie goals. But I am also trying to generally reduce sugar intake where possible. In my first phase program where I lost 50 lbs, I avoided sweet things entirely which included diet sodas and things like Atkins bars.

I am now in phase two where I want to lose an additional 50 lbs but I have incorporated diet soda into my routine. I really have a sweet tooth and was looking tonight at this 0g sugar Atkins chocolate bars.

What do you think about it?


  • kevinmacpa
    kevinmacpa Posts: 84 Member
    Diet soda uses artificial sweetener. If you do some research you will find out even though they have no calories, but they mess up the bacteria in your stomach where it raises your insulin level, which is essentially the same as consuming loads of sugar. Unless your muscles are depleted of its glycogen which only comes from intense workout, insulin causes your blood sugar to convert directly into fat.

    If you don't believe the research, then keep drinking diet soda, because at least it has no calories. But just want to make sure you are aware of the possible negative effects of diet sodas. Make informed decision by yourself.
  • kevinmacpa
    kevinmacpa Posts: 84 Member
    On second thought, since you are on atkin's diet, you won't be consuming enough carbs to contribute to blood sugar increase, so I guess if you want to drink diet soda, it shouldn't be too big of a deal.
  • piningforapples3
    Everyone's different, but when I eat anything 'diet' or 'carb free' I have this tendency to eat really high fat, carby foods late at night to try to compensate, so I just stick with tiny amounts of the original food (side note, I hate the phrase real food. If it exists, it's real.)

    Just be careful of artificial sweetners. Most are fine, but there are a few that make your body crave more sugar.

    And keep in mind that aspartame is the physical manifestation of Satan.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I avoid the bars and shakes for the most part but I have found a few low carb desserts that I really like. The blog Uplateanyway has some excellent single serve microwave cookies. I know it sounds weird but the double chocolate one just about curls my toes. :)
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    I am not on the Atkins diet and am totally skeptical of anything bearing the Atkins name. However I did taste some of their snacks and they do taste good.

    My passion is Coke Zero and I am aware in the perfect world all I would drink is water.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've had some of their bars and they were pretty good, but I'm not doing Atkins.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I don't do the Atkins 'diet' but I do like their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, caramel nut, & coconut bars. I tried their Peanut Butter cups & found they're not bad either.
  • pattyjoshockley
    pattyjoshockley Posts: 53 Member
    I have tried them and they don't taste bad. They are loaded with artificial sweeteners and I don't feel well after I eat them so now I avoid all the artificial stuff. If I want sweet i eat grapes or other fruit. If I am going to indulge in chocolate it's going to be really good chocolate.
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    I have tried them and they don't taste bad. They are loaded with artificial sweeteners and I don't feel well after I eat them so now I avoid all the artificial stuff. If I want sweet i eat grapes or other fruit. If I am going to indulge in chocolate it's going to be really good chocolate.

    This is a good point about good chocolate. I found the Quest protein bars so many rave about to be inedible and really hard on my stomach. These artificial ingredients are pretty hit or miss...