Feeling disheartened

I've been doing this for 9 days, 1200 cals per day, no cheating but no weight loss
I do a lot of exercise, gym 3 or 4 times a week, plus 1 or 2 spin classes plus road or MTB cycling.
I don't count calories used in weight training but for cycling and spinning I do eat some of the calories I burnt.
Any ideas why I haven't lost any weight?


  • jmroemer
    jmroemer Posts: 15 Member
    don't know how much weight training you do but muscle weights more than fat. so if you are trying to tone up the pounds might not be coming off like you were hoping.
  • I have been at this for 21 days now, lost 3 lbs in the 1st 3 days, and nothing since. been burning more than consuming, I am assuming it is muscle that is why. cause my jeans do feel alittle better . how do your clothes feel?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. If you just increased your activity, then you're probably retaining water from that. Or it could be from high sodium intake, hormones, and other factors...or, you may not be in a deficit.
  • Any ideas why I haven't lost any weight?

    Based on the types of high intensity exercise you're doing, I don't think your caloric intake is high enough and your metabolism has probably slowed down to conserve what it can to keep you upright. Do a search for Basal Metabolic Rate and see if you can find a calculator to plug your daily activity into. It should be able to give you a minimum calorie intake goal based on your activity level, and you'll need to try to stay close to that goal.

    And you're only 9 days into the process... give it time. :)

  • stanleybarton
    stanleybarton Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for your replies
    I have always done a lot of exercise so this is not new for my body
    I had wondered, considering my level of activity, if 1200 cals was not enough, however, my job is sedentary. I will see if I can look into basal metabolic rate.
    My clothes still feel tight, although I have developed some impressive biceps ☺️
    I know 9 days isn't long but I was hoping for a quick start to help me.
    In Aug I will be mother of the bride and I would like to shed about 20lb by then. I'm 54yrs and I know weight can be hard to shift as you get older. This weight has crept up over the last 3 years.
  • stanleybarton
    stanleybarton Posts: 3 Member
    I have just looked into BMR and to maintain my current weight I would need 2064 cals per day. By taking 3500 off (estimated cals to lose 1lb) that leaves me with 1564 cals per day.
    I will give it until the weekend and if I haven't lost anything by then I will increase my daily intake
  • danieladineva
    danieladineva Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, it becomes indeed harder to lose weight after 30 and then again after 50. I'm 36 and a long walk every day helps me lose better than vigorous exercise. Good luck anyway, I hope you can look exactly the way you imagined at the wedding!