Any pregnant ladies out there!?

Hi! I'm looking for some motivation and good advice from any pregnant mamas trying to stay fit and healthy!!! I'm 17 weeks on Wednesday and want to get back into a workout plan and healthy eating regimen. Any tips or advice!? Pregnancy cravings and hormones sure don't make it easy!!!


  • Kihran1
    Kihran1 Posts: 1 Member
    18 weeks here and I wish mfp had a pregnancy section
  • I'm 2.5mo postpartum but while pregnant I did a lot of walking and stretching (yoga). With stretching or yoga you have to be careful since you'll think you can do more than you really can but I found it really helped. My doctor also told me to keep eating like I was until halfway through the second trimester where she said to just add 1 snack or 100kcal a day.

    Personally I didn't gain anything until I was put on bed rest for the lasts trimester. I know it's said a lot but talk with your OBGYN on how to lose/maintain your weight while pregnant. Mine helped me a lot and the only reason I gained is I gave into cravings while on bed rest but I only gained 30lbs total.

    Good luck and congratulations!
  • summ_gerl
    summ_gerl Posts: 11 Member
    I just started a group if you guys are interested in joining. I didn't see anything recent specifically for pregnancy but I am kinda new to the forums and didn't feel like looking forever ;)
    It is called: "Soon to be Mama's"