I'm soooo tired...

I'm noticing that with this whole "lifestyle" change, that I'm am becoming increasingly more and more tired each day. Could it be something I'm eating, or not eating for that matter??? It's only Thursday and I had to take a nap this afternoon.


  • suzanobrien
    I'm noticing that with this whole "lifestyle" change, that I'm am becoming increasingly more and more tired each day. Could it be something I'm eating, or not eating for that matter??? It's only Thursday and I had to take a nap this afternoon.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    At first that was how I was! But after a couple weeks, I had more energy than ever! So, bare with it for a while longer. It will pay off!!:bigsmile: Good luck!!

  • moonchild6984
    what time do you usually go to bed? I know if I dont go to bed before 10pm than I do need a nap during the day. If you can try going to be before ten and see if that helps:flowerforyou:
  • suzanobrien
    I can't remember the last time I was in bed before 10 ;-) But that does sound wonderful... Most nights my kids are not even in bed by ten... I would say on average I'm in bed by midnight and up at 645am... so.. maybe I answered my own question... and I'm sure the 5 kids don't help.. but before I started all this I could function just fine on that sleep.. I hope my body comes around!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    It will...I promise!!:flowerforyou:

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    My great grandmother and grandmother have always been advocates of the 30 minute afternoon nap, the secret is to set an alarm for 45 minutes and by the time you start to snooze you will get about 30 minutes. My great grandmother did this until she died at 98. My grandmother still does it.

    I do it when my body is just telling me that it has to rest. I find that weeks that I am really paying attention to my food and working out hard that I have a few days that my body just wants rest. I give in. I have even had weeks where a cup of coffee doesn't keep the sandman away. I try not to make it a habit, after a few days I keep myself busy with housework or going for a walk to pull me through to break the cycle.

    I think you should listen to your body, make sure you are eatting ALL of your calories and drinking all of your water. Food is Fuel and keeping hydrated will actually keep you more alert.

    Good luck sleepy head :laugh:
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I am with Kristin here; your body will get better.
    However you do need a LOT more sleep then you are getting.
    Not wanting to sound all preachy here and if I do I am very sorry.
    Try not to let your kids dictate your life. You are the parent. THEY need to be in bed at a decent hour so that they can function at school too.
    And their bedtime needs to be at the same time everyday. Not just on the weekdays but Friday and Sat nights as well.
    Here are other reasons to get more sleep.
    *Sleep increases your body’s ability to burn fat.
    *Sleep helps your body repair muscle tissue that you used during your workout.
    *Sleep helps you remember things better during the day.
    *Sleep helps your body fight diseases, from the common cold to cancer.
    *Sleep is vital to a properly functioning body.
    We need at the very least 6 and ½ hours of sleep each night to be the best that we can be.
  • moonchild6984
    well your body might come around and I hope it does but maybe it wont try and see if you can get the kids in bed by atleast 9:30pm and then you can get to bed by 10pm.:wink: IF your kids wont go to bed at that time I have a few tips that will help. I watch super nanny and everytime she needs to set a bed time she uses these three technics(missed spelled) and it always seems to work
    1. Put them in bed at a good bed time say around 8:30pm kiss good nite and say good nite
    2. If they come out tell them good nite and put them back into bed
    3. If they come out again DONT say anything to them and put them back into bed. If you answer them then you are just giving into them and then they know they have controll of bed time not you. YOu want controll.
    4. If they come out after that DONT say anything and put them back into bed
    REPEAT step 3 & 4 until they are asleep do this every nite at the same time and finally they will realize its time for bed when its 8:30
  • suzanobrien
    Thank You everyone for your replies.... I REALLY wish bedtime at my house was a more organized time... I mean some nights no problem everyone (the kids) are asleep by 9-930... BUT... Malachi (8months) and Sadie (3yrs 10mnths) they like the late night gig!!! Sadie was great with bedtime, I remember she used to go to bed at 9pm no problem, when she was a baby.. At 13 months Sadie was diagnosed terminally ill and got really really sick to the point that we almost lost her... ever since that she absoluty refuses to go to bed... the only way that girl will fall asleep is on my lap or my husbands lap... and some nights, like last night that was at 11pm.. UURRGGHH!!