Help for a busy mom?

So I recently started this up again, but this time much more seriously. Making sure I put EVERYTHING I consume, all my exercise, watching my daily intake of not just my calories as well. My problem is I only get to the gym about twice a week. A 60 min insanity class. Going to try and take a spinning class. But I'm go, go, go in my home. I have my son, my boyfriend, and now his son (plus our dog). There are these women workin out in their homes... Hahaha yeah right. Between the boys, laundry, cleaning, running errands, park time, and other motherly duties... It's time to cook dinner then clean some more. Or the nights I go to work. I just get so frustrated with how my body is after having my son. I guess I should just start accepting it, or can anyone give me helpful hints? I mean once the seasons change we are outside a lot more. I am active with softball still as well. Thanks everyone!


  • Kannson
    Kannson Posts: 15
    My best advice is to watch what you're eating. Eat clean! Eating clean can help a bunch.
  • lyssadsn
    lyssadsn Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey.. I work full time and have 2 small kids too. You probably won't love this answer, but the only time I've found that works for me is in the morning before work and everyone wakes up. I either run or do T25 at about 5 or 5:15 am a couple times a week (not everyday..whoa!). It's hard but just like you once everyone is awake and the day has started there is no time. Good Luck!
  • alyci
    alyci Posts: 50 Member
    All that running around the house will burn some calories. I have a toddler and cats who are always getting into something. My workouts are never structured. I try to fit in ten minutes here and there when I can. Even if it is just dancing around the house while cleaning. It may not be the best way to burn calories but it is something. I am also getting back into watching everything I eat. Planning in the morning helps a bit so I know if I have the room for a snack or dessert.

    I still struggle with how my body changed and I'm not sure I'll ever get the body I had back. I think the battle for me was accepting that some things just won't quite be the same but I could still work to be better than I am.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    I run a daycare, and watch kids for 10.5 hours a day, plus I have my own two school-agers in the evening who need homework help. I have NO time to work out either. The only solution I have found is to wear a Fitbit. Though I wear it a little differently...I bought a large one and wear it around my ankle--it is a pinch but it counts every single step that way. Otherwise it only counts when you swing your arms, and as I am usually carrying something when walking around, I was not getting an accurate count wearing it on my wrist. I would love to get a real cardio workout in, and some serious fat burning, but with my life it is not possible. So this is what I've come up with to at least make sure I'm burning a little over the course of the day.
  • Thanks for all the responses!
  • monilove617
    monilove617 Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's like we're all singing the same tune!! Lol I have a 10 and 4 year old that are very active. I need this change for my well being and to keep up with them. I'm not a morning person myself but I get on the treadmill and do a few sit ups. I even march in place while putting on my make up!! I'd like to add you guys if that's ok.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Also a working mum with two kids. I also work out in the morning before anyone gets up. I'm at the gym at 5:30am and home by the time the first kidlit is out of bed. If I don't go to the gym I'll go for a walk or run. I never used to be a morning person and it took a couple of weeks two get used too but now I miss it if I don't do it.

    Also I'm more conscious about what I eat. I still have treats but eat in moderation and try to eat at a deficit. Some days are easier than others. Although the healthier I eat the healthier my family eats. I've also found preparing meals in bulk and freezing portions also helps for the extra busy days.

    Good luck