A very sad intro :(

So I've been trying to lose weight since December, which was just after the busiest time of my life was. I had my wedding, I was moving to a new country (still am but less stressful at the moment), I was doing a full semester at uni, (and this semester is much easier and also my last before I graduate). So I thought it was the perfect time to lose weight!

I created an account here, and I logged in everything. I mean everything! I even log in 0 calorie stuff just in case. I have not cheated or strayed, I have not had an off day. I've been dancing for 20-30 minutes a day, which is tough for me because I am out of shape.

I logged my weight in a couple weeks ago here as 177.7. And after eating under my calories for 2 weeks straight - sometimes way under the suggested goal.... and working out every day except for one sick day.... my grand total of weight lost is 0 pounds!

I don't know what to do. I go to bed hungry some nights, I work out until I can't do it anymore. I log in everything, and every time it's been under the limit set my My Fitness Pal. MFP tells me stuff like that I would be 170 in 5 weeks! Well, that's cute!

I might as well do nothing. When I ate whatever I wanted and did whatever I wanted I also didn't lose any weight. Now I'm suffering for literally no reason and I feel like the only real way to lose weight is to develop an eating disorder. I've spent all morning crying. I haven't cheated, I just don't know what to do. I'm eating even less today, but I don't know how much more I can take of knowing I could be eating cake right now for the same results.


  • eckimo
    eckimo Posts: 2
    you should never be hungry. Always stick to your calorie goal. Eating less does not mean lose weight faster, it can stall weightloss as you have found.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Can you please open your diary?
  • ElleEstEllie
    ElleEstEllie Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have a goal set by MFP at around 1600 calories per day in order to lose .5 pounds a week. It says my average calories eating per day is actually around 1300 per day. So this would be closer to around losing 1 pound a week... if my body wasn't broken.

    Oh and to add my only really low day was 1064 calories - I had a migraine that day and it was hard to eat much. I actually did exercise that day though believe it or not.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Firstly, did you weigh everything that you ate? Not weighing foods could make you overshoot your calories (without realizing it). Secondly, do you have any medical conditions? This would include diabetes, PCOS, Insulin resistance, etc. Have you tried to play with your macros yet? This would entail a more even split between carbs, fats, and proteins. How is your water intake? The feeling of hunger could be your body confusing hunger and thirst signals.

    Eckimo is right, you shouldn't be hungry, but there is a fine line between hunger, boredom eating, and thirst (sometimes).

    I didn't start losing until 4 weeks in and only a pound or two each week. This was also only after I adjusted my macros (my family has diabetes and I'm pre-diabetic). Now I'm stalled because I'm pretty close to my goal weight and I've packed on some muscle. I've also not been too careful over the holidays with weighing my food. I don't blame the process because I know it works. I know that I've got to tighten up my logging and keep going.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, but also don't make excuses. Be honest with your logging and evaluate how you feel eating different foods to prevent binging and the overeating if you're too hungry.
  • EllieWool
    That is a sad story, you must feel really frustrated. Could it be you are going through so much stress with wedding/moving/putting pressure on yourself that you're raising your Cortisol levels meaning you store fat? I only know what I have read but stuff like that can really make a difference and lack of sleep doesn't help?
    I've had a similar week - feeling hungry, doing daily workout DVD's and really watching my calories/no alcohol and I got on scales this morning, after a week of not weighing in, to find I have not lost an ounce - I've been really down about it all day and like you think I might as well just not put the effort in!
    - I'm hoping if I redouble my efforts this week then it will add up for weigh in next week and like 5lbs will go all at once!
    - Good luck
  • ElleEstEllie
    ElleEstEllie Posts: 11 Member
    Wk - I measure everything I eat but I don't have a scale. I usually cook my own meals or use frozen foods (like frozen baked fish) with the calorie count per item on it. The only things I can't measure exactly are things like fresh fruit, which when logging it will say '1 large banana' or something so I trust their calorie count.

    I have a chronic gastritis problem (stomach inflamed and too acidic) for which I take medication. All the stress ended shortly before beginning my new eating and exercise habits.

    In the past I had been very ill, and had lost 50 pounds in one year due to my illness. (190 - 140). It turned out to be a gall bladder problem, and it was removed. The reason I lost so much weight was because I couldn't eat a darn thing without feeling extremely sick... not even plain toast. I told doctors that something was wrong and all they could see was that a fat girl was losing weight like crazy and they kept congratulating me instead of helping. I was probably eating 300 calories a day or less for that year, but not exercising or doing any fitness other than day-to-day life and work. (I did tell my doctors this. They said that this is a great diet plan.) They never realized what was actually wrong until I had been rushed to the ER and then rushed ASAP to emergency surgery. The doctors said if I waited any longer I would have died.

    I gained most of that weight back (177.7 now like I said before) very slowly over the past 5 years since the year-long-illness, which is why I wanted to lose it again. So maybe my metabolism is broken now due to that one year of illness. I had accounted for that possibility which is why I began working out as much as I could. Apparently exercise, or an increase in exercise, can repair your metabolism.

    It does help to know that another person here also didn't lose weight for so long. Usually in the beginning all I hear is that people can lose like 5 pounds the first week or 2 weeks and not to freak out (and not to think it will always be 5 pounds a week.) I felt bad that I was the exact opposite, and then worried that if these first 2 usually-miraculous weeks were so bad, that means that my third and fourth, I'll what? Gain weight?
  • astorey126
    I know having your gall bladder out changes the way your body processes fat, so you might want to look into that.

    Are you seeing other body changes as a result of your good eating and exercise habits? Sometimes I think it's dangerous to live and die by the scale. Being stronger, building stamina and having clothes fit better may be other things you can look for to make you feel like all your effort isn't being wasted.

    I wish you well.
  • Suzibell68
    Suzibell68 Posts: 3 Member
    I am no expert at losing, or else I wouldn't be here :wink: However, I know I lose better when I watch my carb intake. So maybe look at what your calories come from and make sure the majority comes from lean meats and veggies rather than white starches. Also, look at your sodium intake and water intake. Too much sodium and not enough water both make losing more challenging.
  • ToddPa12
    ToddPa12 Posts: 61 Member
    Hang in there! I know when I started it was a slow process, but soon the results were showing up and fast; sometimes shocking me in the results. The times I have had problems is when stress settled in over a family loss, and now that i've gotten close to my goals, but I'm not giving up either as EllieWool stated herself.

    Don't go hungry for the day as that may have reverse effects, and if after a couple of weeks there aren't any results, I would definitely talk to a doctor or nutritionist as there may be something else lurking.

    Good luck, and never give up!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    The first thing I do when I hit a slump is to evaluate my protein levels. We've been saying for years that most people consume too much, but for some people more is required, or they simply arent eating enough. I shoot for 60 grams per day, female, 5'2", medium build and lots of strength type work each day. Try upping yours a bit, may help.
  • Ennay2
    Ennay2 Posts: 42 Member
    Do NOT eat less. MFP's recommendations are if anything already on the low side. If you can't do it for the rest of your life, it isnt workable.

    If you are going to bed feeling hungry and you are not losing, try shifting macros around.

    For all the crap about the "best" diet out there, the best one is the one you can live with. And that is not going to be the same for everyone. Some people thrive in ketosis (very low carb), some people get very sick in ketosis <--me

    The extremes of many of the diets out there are all horrible for my energy and hunger. For me PERSONALLY I do best in a moderate but not low carb, a little high but NOT paleo high fat and moderately high protein. Me. Not you. Me. It takes TIME to find your personal sweet spot. And the sweet spot is not what makes you lose weight fastest, it is where you are satiated, have energy and sleep reasonably well. Without those 3 things a diet can never be more than temporary, and weight loss is temporary as well.

    Take a look back since you have the 2 weeks of data at your average daily Carb/Fat/Protein%. And then consciously make a change. Increase protein or fat (both far more satiating than carbs) ....probably protein as most women eat on the low end. Not drastically - you are searching for a lifestyle you can do forever.

    Make a shift. Be more aware of how your hunger is and less concerned about the scale. First try to find a way to eat that satiates you. Add some weight training.

    Be patient. Sometimes it takes the body a few weeks to let go. You might be burning fat but retaining extra water. The metabolism might be sleepy until it gets a few workouts in.

    And be cautious about that whole "going to bed hungry" AND "working out until you can't any more" Both of those can be messing with stress hormones and that REALLY messes with weight loss.
  • ElleEstEllie
    ElleEstEllie Posts: 11 Member
    My clothes don't fit better and I don't seem to have a smaller waist (measured it the day after I started). But I do seem more able to exercise for longer periods of time. You're right that I have trouble with processing fat, so I don't eat much fat - especially saturated or animal fat. To give an example of what I would eat a day....

    tea with some splenda
    oatmeal (with water)
    a hard boiled egg

    Cucumber and laughing cow cheese wedges on half a whole grain bagel
    water to drink

    fish filet (baked - from frozen 120 calories) and vegetable medley (measured 1 cup) with no butter (a bit of salt)
    water to drink

    snacks are things like fresh fruit, frozen yogurt bars (skinny cow), frozen fruit bars (real fruit, low cal), or the occasional small piece of chocolate or a few sugar candies if I have the calories to spare!

    I have only had soda once this past 2 weeks and realized fast that it was a total waste of my calories, went to bed hungry, and haven't touched it since.
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    I too am a slow loser. I have never had the joy of losing 5-10 pounds that first week, my weight loss starts coming off after about 4-6 weeks, and then it is super slow. One thing I can say, is every persons body is different. I have had to play around with different things to see what works for my body. For example: Some people can lose weight on a calorie deficit alone, others need a higher protein, low carb option. I am one of those people that has to keep my simple carbs at a minimum, and workout regularly. Also, I have to play with different workout regimens to change things up. Every 3 weeks I change my workout to keep my body guessing. Stress is a big weight loss killer also. Maybe try some meditation exercises to help alleviate some of it. Whatever you do, Never give up! Everything takes time! Best wishes to you!
  • ElleEstEllie
    ElleEstEllie Posts: 11 Member
    Been reading everyone's replies - thank you so much for your support. I am a bit bummed still but the tears and pity have stopped. I'll try to work out what is causing this issue. I can try to experiment with not eating less than MFP recommends, and I'll try to experiment with the macronutrients... usually I am exactly in range with what MFP says. At least I can honestly say that I feel healthier due to the exercising and I feel less out of shape, but I've got a long way to go before I'm not huffing and puffing after working out hehe. At least my workout is fun and I enjoy it. :)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I highly recommend using a food scale. They're $10-20 and eliminate any doubt when it comes to your oatmeal, bagel, etc. Measuring cups just aren't very accurate and even packaged items can be off up to 20%.

    Are non-animal, unsaturated fats an option for you? Fats help you feel full.

    Finally- 2 weeks is not long enough to say that you're not losing weight. It can take 4-6 weeks for a deficit to start showing on the scale.
  • healthyeats101
    I didn't read everyone else's comments but I'll make a suggestion. I do feel for you because I live in that world. What may benefit you, and I've seen it benefit others, is to take wheat products out of your diet. I have an allergy to wheat (not gluten) and it tends to give me occasional headaches and bloating if I eat it. Gluten does the same thing to people.
    Wishing you success. Sounds like it might be the stress with all you have going on.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    1. You need to develop the right mindset that will support you, thats one that will see you through from start to finish.
    2. You need knowledge to understand how weight loss works. Knowledge helps you understand and stops needless worries plus it gives you the tools to do things properly. Read the stickies.
    3. You need a decent plan that can guide you to do the correct things.

    First what everyone else said, is that there could be any number of things that may mean you arent losing weight. No open diary so hard to say. If you arent logging thats a major weakness there as would not weighing your food.

    Second going to bed hungry is just crazy and needless. Its a lifestyle change, so you need to make changes you cna live with. Hunger is just crazy. Hunger is also one of the things that can make you miserable as well as break your determination to diet, cayse you to quit or binge. People manage their diet so this can be avoided, its what works for you, but if you are moving from cakes and burhers then it takes some getting used to by switching to fruit and veg. You cna have anything in moderation, but id want soemthing to help me avoid hunger.

    Third. Exercise, then please understand that to burn calories from exercise, then you have to do a lot. You should do mixed cardio and resistance (to retain muscle and give better tone plus health). Supplement that with walking.
    Your 20 mins dancing session will be lucky to burn 200 calories. You need to burn 3500 in theory to lose 1lb. Everyone starts somewhere, but its consistency and doing something on a regular basis that will pay dividends.

    Fourth you need to get some perspective and learn to be patient. Your body fluctuates up to 4lbs a day. Knowing that, then you are looking for trends in weight loss. If you just keep doing the right things which means being at consistent deficits, then you will lose weight just like everyone else. Its a long term project, so 44lbs id allocate 1 year for as a rule of thumb, but just do it day by day and week by week.

    Fifth get some scales to weigh food, log properly.

    Six cheer up, its straight forward, bit boring imo, but just eat at a deficit and the weight will come off.

    You should probably get some friends so that they can guide encourage and keep an eye on your progress so you do it properly. Ask virgoddess and brocoli if they are taking anyone on. Good luck.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    ... everything everyone said is good. I just wanted to add that if you aren't already, start taking measurements in addition to weighing yourself. It can help you see progress that might not be shown by the scale.
  • ShaunShaunphenomenon
    Tigger does have a good point, the 20 minutes is very hard I'm sure for you to get there. I can also assure you that you need to push yourself in order to get it, the 20 minutes you should do that and then perhaps do some resistance training.

    Also, you stated that you were going to bed hungry, you should never eve rdo that, make sure to develope a night lunch or something similar. I am not losing, I am gainging, I am fine with that. i thought I was gaining before when I was going to the gym and had a great workout routine, it was actually muscle which was building up and I could lift a lot more. Then someone suggested I switch to another routine and that completely caused my quad to blow.

    Anyway, sorry about getting off track, what I'm suggesting is that you're actually sending your body into a worse place, it's not a diet you need, a diet is something that you do once and then you fall off again by switching and eating whatever you can because you deprive yourself of all the things you want. I can assure you that tonight I will do Cardio, tomorrow morning, i will do Cardio, Wednesday I will do Cardio and a mix of stomach exercises. What you're doing right now is building up endurance and you're not going to lose weight this way.

    I have done the Just dance or dancing method of training, but I had to add it in addition to my weight. I lost about 27 pounds and lost about 4 inchs off my waist line. I am not a perfect person to talk about this but what's happening to your body is it's entering starvation mode, what that is, it's exactly what it sounds like, your body is not getting enough of the food it wants/needs and so what it does is it stores the fat thinking it will need to eat away at this later, this can have VERY SERIOUS side effects. You should be as someone mentioned around 1600 cals a day, personally, I'd eat the 1800 and stick around there if you want to lose and depending how your goals are working.

    I highly suggest that you add in a little night snack or something, it doens't have to be anything amazing, it can just be a piece of toast, or perhaps something sweet, it doesn't have to be great for you, but it gives your body what it needs in order to help you and also in order to assist you more than you know right now.

    I hope this helps, and if you need motivation, you can add me! I'm always willing to help people who are willing to help me and willing to help others :)

  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    -Your muscles absorb water like a sponge if you've been working out. Give yourself a couple of off days.
    -Weight everything you eat, I was shocked when I started weighing everything.
    -Plan in advance if possible and make small alterations if necessary. It's less daunting if some things are planned out rather than getting to the evening because you didn't realise something else was high in calories and ending up going over.
    -Drink loads of water and limit salt, these two go hand in hand since salt retain water (water weight) and not drinking enough, your body retains water (more water weight).