Any teachers out there?

I'm a first-year teacher in an alternative route certification program. I thought I was busy before, but now my life completely revolves around my classroom. How do you find time to work out with the schedule of a teacher?


  • daynes23
    daynes23 Posts: 94 Member
    *waves* Hi! Right now I'm a leave replacement for a 7th grade science classroom. I was doing much better going to the gym and running over the summer when I had my camp schedule and because it was nicer out! Now I find that if I'm going to the gym on a particular day I have to go right after school or else I will never go. So even if I stay an hour after school to play catch up, I go straight to the gym. It's a hike but the drive helps me decompress from the day too. Sometimes I'll have a small espresso drink on the ride over there so I'm not exhausted by the time I get there! Ultimately I would love to go before school but I am soooo not a morning person. I know there are plenty of people who come to school right from the gym (bring their clothes, take a shower, etc) but I just can't wake up that early! Plus I'm most energetic and motivated in the early afternoon/evenings.
  • Hi Nikki - I am a teacher, too. It is TOUGH to find the time. I have to get up at 4/4:30 to work out in the morning. I feel great all day, but boy do I crash at night! I can't seem to work out in the evenings. I work from 7:15 to 5:30, so after school is just not ideal. I like to work out when I have more energy! I work out first thing on the weekends too, because it leaves me the rest of the day to catch up with grading/planning/housework stuff. Hope this helps.
  • nikki_dw
    nikki_dw Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for the responses! I've never been a morning person so working out in the morning is super difficult. However, like Susan said... I also crash in the evening! My work is just never finished, you know?
  • ljs385
    ljs385 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm making more of an effort to go straight after work. Once I've changed into my gym gear, then mentally I'm good to go. I'm so not a morning person! Bad enough that I have to get up at 6am to get ready, getting up even earlier than that is never happening :\
    Today was tough! Had meetings till 4:30 then didn't leave work until 5:40. Still went to the gym though, but I'm knackered now!
  • Astrogirl_87
    Astrogirl_87 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a teacher in my 4th year. I finish working around 6pm and try to get an hour or so in before dinner! Lots of walking around the classroom (with the Fitbit Flex) starts to add up too! X