Audiobooks! Am I the only one?

I'm currently listening to "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss while I run or walk the dog in the morning.

My other favorites are:
"Bossy Pants" by Tina Fey
"Yes Please" by Amy Poehler
Whatever Rob Delaney's book is called.

I use Audible to listen and download, and I think I like it just as much, if not more, than listening to music, but I haven't done music while exercising in a while.

What books do you love in audio format?


  • TheDoughnutTheif
    TheDoughnutTheif Posts: 349 Member
    Not at all, I am listening to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" read by Stephen Fry, which is awesome that he took the time to do!
  • elleinaDanielle

    I tried to read "The Hitchhiker's Guide" a while back, and never finished it. Perhaps I'll have to try it in audio form.

    Do you use Audible as well?
  • Becka4Real
    Becka4Real Posts: 1,527 Member
    I like audiobooks for road trips. I find them too distracting for working out.
  • TheDoughnutTheif
    TheDoughnutTheif Posts: 349 Member
    I do. It is great for the longer slower runs or walks.
  • SuckerPunch77
    SuckerPunch77 Posts: 23 Member
    I always run to audiobooks. Chelsea Handler were my first and I often laughed out loud!
  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    OHHH I'm envious of you guys....I have ADD and it is reaaaaaaaaaally hard for me to retain information while listening to it, too distracted by shiny things. Haha....but you know, maybe I will have to give it a try, it could be fun while I'm drawing!