Perimenapause and losing weight :(

I've been heavier and I've been thinner I can do this right ???!!!! I started a Lo estra birthcontrol today. to help with these god awful symptoms ...would like to make friends with other women my age 43or perimenapausal of any age ... Just need good healthy people to converse and swap ideas with :)


  • trazter31
    trazter31 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 46 and have been in perimenapause for about 2 years. I figure I was eating about 2200-2400 calories a day and I started eating 1200 calories per day and I've lost 12 pounds in thirty days. I was very hungry at first but my body seems to be adjusting. It can be done!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Parimenopausal and in my mid-fifties, LOL.
    Look at it this way. Hot flashes burn calories.
  • trazter31 thank you that's a very positive msg .. I am on day one of 1200 cal positive thoughts positive thoughts , also was your weight loss with exercise ? I'm having a hard time with that part it's 20 degrees here .. Thinking I need to get to a gym ASAP
  • jgnatca
    Omg the hot flashes and night sweats are brutal as well as insomnia and nausea I actually took a preg test , peri menapause is VERY new to me.. I'm just worried it's gonna be an issue trying to drop weight guess I will see , I hate that I'm in early menapause I won't even be 43 til next month it's just not fair all of my 30s I was obese , I lost 90 lbs and bam holidays ,and perimanapause added 20 lbs and an entire dress size in less than 60 days .... So depressing
  • I'm 43 and peri menopausal and stuck on a Plato for 1.5 years. I walk close to 12 miles per day at work. I eat around 1200-1500 calories depending on more walking or less. I'm frustrated because I can't get rid of this last 15 lbs. I just started swimming on weekends again and weight training. Any advice??
  • Sweetnnme have you considered an IUD instead of birth control pills? I was on lo estra and I gain 30 lbs in 30 days. We are the same age and my doc advised me to go with the Mirena IUD. It's good for 5 years and you don't get the side effects of extra hormones running thru your body. Bonus is you stop getting your period after 6 months
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Gained 30 lbs as soon as I went through menopause at age 50. Now I'm taking it off. 5 down, 25 to go. I'm vegetarian (mostly vegan) and am "allergic" to the gym. I like walking and may even try running now that I got some real shoes that cushion my feet better. I can see that at this age, staying at a slim weight is going to take a little more thought than when I was younger.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 51 and peri with all the shocking symptoms. You can do it, but it's not easy. I have had to be really strict with what I eat. I have lost 42lb while having these symptoms. I still have some stomach fat though. I used to be able to shed a stone or two really fast, not any longer. I am going to take up exercise, and I feel I will be logging food for the rest of my life, but that's okay! Good luck.
  • jeepmomto4
    jeepmomto4 Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 41 and have been steadily gaining for the last couple of years. Couldn't figure it out because I am active and eat well. This past year, another 20lbs added. Now it's affecting my ability to get up and out to do things I wanna do. So I saw the doc this month, ran all the blood tests and yadda. Full blown perimenapause, her words my lil ovaries are shutting down. I haven't had a period since Jan this year. So now I'm kicking up the gear. reducing and really counting 1200 calories a day. Going to start hemp protein and a replacement shake for added nutrients. I weigh more now than I ever did with any of my four pregnancies. Very disheartening.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I just turned 53 (3 weeks and 1 day ago) and, unless my body decides to surprise me again, this July I'll officially be menopausal. I'm losing weight and dealing with the hot flashes and the rest. Add me if you like.
  • lisakrogers
    lisakrogers Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 49 and peri with all the horrible symptoms. I've gained 20 lbs in the past two years and it's frustrating because I can't take it off. Feel free to add me.