I want the BEST tips to help with speeding up weight loss!

What are some of the best tips you all have for helping to speed up the weight loss? Obviously I am looking for little tweeks, preferably healthy ones!

Here is what I am currently doing so they are not repeated...

I drink TONS of water!
I am using the treadmill for an hour a day at 3mph. (Avg. 5 days a week)
I monitor everything I eat and choose healthy foods and stay right around my 1200 calories per day.
Besides that, I am a married mom of 4 so I have plenty that keeps me busy otherwise!

I am 33 years old and I am unable to run as I have arthritis in my left knee and foot from injuries sustained many years ago. So, really excited to hear some tips from all of you! Thanks a bunch in advance!

Current weight is 194lbs and I am 5' 4"
Goal weight is around 130


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Estimate maintenance needs. Eat below maintenance needs, ideally 1lb/week unless yu are legit obese. You would have gone through this entire process when you created your account.
  • SithRN
    SithRN Posts: 32 Member
    1. weigh and log every thing you eat.
    2. Eat less calories than you burn.

  • karefish
    karefish Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jennifer,

    you should add resistance training to your workout program. You could start with adding free weights to your treadmill routine doing bicep curls as you walk.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Eat less. Move more.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    Speeding up weight loss without considering health.. then you might be leading to disaster.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am a bit surprised that I didn't see the number one mentioned thing in the forums....weigh and measure everything. Eyeballing is only guessing. Also 1200 (measured) calories is way too low for your current weight even if you were a couch potato.


    *Weigh Solids

    *Measure liquids

    *Exercise for fitness
    (weight lifting is my recommendation, even with limitations.... Muscles look best, burn more and can help alleviate pain by providing support for the body)

    *Be Honest with Yourself

    *Measure yourself, take silly pictures and then enjoy your progress.


    *****MOST IMPORTANTLY******



    THEN READ IT AGAIN........ :drinker:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Your food Diary for the past week looks pretty good. Use a food scale to weigh foods.
    Eat back at least 50% of the Calories you burn from cardio. That is, if you earned 150 extra Calories burned from cardio, add (or "eat back") at least 75 Calories in food.
    Learn to search the food database for non-asterisk entries, especially for vegetables and fruits - in the format of "vegetable - raw" or "fruit - raw." Take a look at my Diary for examples, it goes back for 500+ days and is open.
    Good luck!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    The best tip is to Slow It Down.

    Speeding things up is generally a race for disaster, disappointment, and failure.

    Faster is not usually better.
  • minamu68
    If you reduce your caloric intake too much, you can mess with your metabolism and send your body into starvation mode, where it thinks it needs to store everything because it's starving. Follow the recommendations on the site, using a realistic goal of 1-2 lbs. lost per week, depending on how much you have to lose.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    "Sped up" weight loss usually comprises of starving oneself, over exercising and generally losing lean mass in the process.
    Assuming that this is not what you want to do, then take a deep breath and resign to the fact that losing about 1% of your body weight a week is PLENTY fast enough.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • JenniferTravis9
    JenniferTravis9 Posts: 16 Member
    Those who stated to "eat less".. My doctor has ragged on me in the past for doing so. I have trouble trying to eat 1200 most days as it is. I do measure foods on a very reliable food scale as well! From all the research I have read 1100-1300 calories per day is ideal for weight loss for my weight and height. Charts do show me as "Obese" though honestly, part of the heavy weight I carry is in my chest. So I am not sure how accurate some charts can be, the same as for very muscular and athletic persons. I am not wanting to lose weight overnight! I am just wanting the 2bs per week I am busting my butt for! I have had borderline thyroid issues in the past but my Dr. states they are not far enough from the normal range for medication though she put me on Phentermine (weight loss medication) for about 6 months before! I lost 30 lbs in that time (this was 2 years ago) but I had heart palpitations from it and ended up quiting taking them and gained the weight back plus a few lbs, NOT CHANGING ANYTHING FROM THE NORM!

    Also, I do not understand the "eating back the calories you burn" if I am still at my minimum needed calories for the day. As it tell me I "earned extra calories" I dont want to eat more, I like that I have burned calories and that is the point when trying to lose weight.
    I have read a couple of articles relating to sodium and notice my sodium numbers are frequently high. That is stated to be "holding fat!"

    I will add in the resistance training. Lately I am just on the treadmill and a few days a week I use the weight bench we have and do a little lifting and leg exercises!

    Can't wait until summer rolls back around! We have a pool and it is so nice to get out there and exercise in the water!

    BUT, I do not need to "eat less," and I know it is not that I am not getting enough activity. I keep track on here and with my FitBit Flex. I do appreciate the positive feedback from those of you who have given it! Thanks and have a blessed night!

  • JenniferTravis9
    JenniferTravis9 Posts: 16 Member
    BTW, just a side note, I did not gain the weight from eating too much or being lazy. I used to drink a lot of soda every day and drink beer. I have nixed those items and am just working on the weight it left me with. I accept responsibility for the weight gain and would like to get rid of this yucky reminder of my previous bad habits!

    I lost weight easily after each of my first 3 children, and though I did not gain much while pregnant with my 4th, post pregnancy I only continued to gain weight even while nursing and working out. All which led to depression, hence the soda addiction and later the beer. Just all honesty out there, my weight gain was probably 80% liquid weight gain alone! All those calories and sugar! It's not always a food issue people! Or simply being lazy! Liquid calories can pack on!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    When people say eat less, they aren't telling you specifically to eat less, they are saying that that is a way to lose weight quicker. You asked for tips on losing weight faster. There are 2 ways, eat less, and/or exercise more. There isn't anything else you can do to speed weight loss. Weight loss is a result of taking in less calories per day then you burn. That's all. If you are eating what you deem an appropriate amount of calories, and are exercising enough for your liking, then you must simply be patient. As others mentioned, if your logging isn't accurate you might be eating more then you think. Weighing food, cheat days, going out to eat, eating food you didn't prepare and many other things can cause the amount you eat to be much more then the number of calories you logged in MFP. Permanent weight loss isn't a fast process and a consistent 2 lb a week loss is a rather lofty goal. While it may be easy to lose at that pace at first, keeping it up is very hard for most individuals.
  • JenniferTravis9
    JenniferTravis9 Posts: 16 Member
    CyberTone wrote: »
    Your food Diary for the past week looks pretty good. Use a food scale to weigh foods.
    Eat back at least 50% of the Calories you burn from cardio. That is, if you earned 150 extra Calories burned from cardio, add (or "eat back") at least 75 Calories in food.
    Learn to search the food database for non-asterisk entries, especially for vegetables and fruits - in the format of "vegetable - raw" or "fruit - raw." Take a look at my Diary for examples, it goes back for 500+ days and is open.
    Good luck!

    WOW! How do you manage to concoct those meals? Lol! You must shop EVERYDAY for you produce to be fresh! I have 4 kids so everyday shopping is nearly impossible! And I see you are using some of the "sugar-free" products, I was never able to use that avenue as I am highly allergic to Aspartame and Saccharine. But I def envy your ability to have all that yummy produce in a day! I wld LOVE to be able to do that! :smile:
  • JenniferTravis9
    JenniferTravis9 Posts: 16 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    When people say eat less, they aren't telling you specifically to eat less, they are saying that that is a way to lose weight quicker. You asked for tips on losing weight faster. There are 2 ways, eat less, and/or exercise more. There isn't anything else you can do to speed weight loss. Weight loss is a result of taking in less calories per day then you burn. That's all. If you are eating what you deem an appropriate amount of calories, and are exercising enough for your liking, then you must simply be patient. As others mentioned, if your logging isn't accurate you might be eating more then you think. Weighing food, cheat days, going out to eat, eating food you didn't prepare and many other things can cause the amount you eat to be much more then the number of calories you logged in MFP. Permanent weight loss isn't a fast process and a consistent 2 lb a week loss is a rather lofty goal. While it may be easy to lose at that pace at first, keeping it up is very hard for most individuals.

    Thanks Vismal! When they state "would you like to lose 1lb per week or 2 lbs per week?" It kind of makes you think you are working toward 2 when that's the plan you choose. I am very diligent with logging food and being accurate. I use food scales and usually if I question something I will err on the side of adding more than less when I log. I have been very honest with my logging, including the cheetos I usually hate that I ate a serving of this evening. Thats def not the norm for me! I understand it somes off slowly and I wld rather that than have the saggy skin that I know some have ended up with from too rapid weight loss! I just feel like a skinny person trapped in a overweight body and am so uncomfortable with myself that I want to make sure I am doing everything I can! :wink:
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    minamu68 wrote: »
    If you reduce your caloric intake too much, you can mess with your metabolism and send your body into starvation mode, where it thinks it needs to store everything because it's starving.


    Not really.

    Not at all in the way you are thinking, at all, actually.

  • JenniferTravis9
    JenniferTravis9 Posts: 16 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    BTW, just a side note, I did not gain the weight from eating too much or being lazy. I used to drink a lot of soda every day and drink beer. I have nixed those items and am just working on the weight it left me with. I accept responsibility for the weight gain and would like to get rid of this yucky reminder of my previous bad habits!

    I lost weight easily after each of my first 3 children, and though I did not gain much while pregnant with my 4th, post pregnancy I only continued to gain weight even while nursing and working out. All which led to depression, hence the soda addiction and later the beer. Just all honesty out there, my weight gain was probably 80% liquid weight gain alone! All those calories and sugar! It's not always a food issue people! Or simply being lazy! Liquid calories can pack on!
    So if the liquid calories were responsible for your weight gain and no you stopped drinking them shouldn't you be losing weight?

    RIGHT?!?!? That is what I am saying! My sister drinks and says every time she stops drinking for a few weeks she drops like 20lbs! Just from not drinking! Like soda or alcohol! So I would think that the habit change alone would be helping me to drop weight. Adding in the fact I have worked harder to eat 1200 calories a day and get the nutrients I need as well as exercising an hour a day, one would think I would be melting off the weight, which has simply not been the response my body is giving me.

    As I stated in another reply, I lost weight easily after my children. Until the last one! THE WEIGHT DIDNT BUDGE AFTER I HAD HER! I was nursing and going to the gym 5 days a week and only continued to gain weight! And no not muscle! My pants wouldnt fit! This was 4 months into my routine and still was putting on weight! My youngest is now 4 and I am 10lbs heavier than the last day I was pregnant with her. This is years of yoyo'ing! :(
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited January 2015
    Not one reply told you to eat less, they were just stating the general rule. Calories in vs calories out. There is a difference between your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and exercise burn. Your TDEE is your BMR (basil or basic metabolic rate) plus anything in addition to being alive and having organ function, such as walking to the bathroom or lifting a child and yes exercise.

    The reason they are saying to eat exercise calories back (not all because of over estimations) is because mfp already configured your goal with the deficient you wanted. Not eating them back causes the deficient to be too large and make it unhealthy.

    I am 5'4" and started at 180lb my BMR was 1450 calories a day.....remember that is an estimate of what my body needed to stay alive and keep my organs and brain healthy without waking up and getting out of bed. Eating 1200 and burning 300 nets you 900 calories per day. This is a perfect recipe for hair loss, fatigue, scattered thinking and major health concerns.... It is also not maintainable longterm and without learning proper portion control, it is a near guarantee for the weight to return plus more. Also the muscle loss will only lead to a smaller flabbier body.

    Sodium holds water, high sodium weekend I weigh 7lbs over my low on Monday, it is gone by Tuesday or Wednesday...I did not lose real weight. If weight loss stalls for an extended period 3-4 weeks (with over 10-15lbs to lose), it is a math issue.... Somewhere the numbers are wrong.

    Also phentermine is in the amphetamine family. The first 10lbs was likely water weight (dehydrates you) and the other 20 were muscle and fat. The reason it works is because it suppresses appetite, you may not have realized but you did eat less. It also causes hyper activity and puts the body I'm fight or flight mode, you burned more also. Read up on the drug, that is how it is suppose to work and why it does.

    I mean all of this to help, but the forums are filled with posts like these.... It is always a math issue at the core. Be patient and eat under TDEE, you will lose weight.

    Something to keep in mind weight fluctuations happen hourly. I weigh more every night and less in the morning.... I do not lose weight while I sleep. My average fluctuation is 3-4lbs. Hormones, digestion, sodium, water and workout all contribute. Consider a liter of water, it weighs 2.2lbs....if I chug one I will weigh 2.2lbs immediately following until I expel the it.