Anyone else trying to lose weight with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

PCOSPAIGE Posts: 10 Member
Add me for great tips, advice, and fun!


  • I am. Eat clean! It really helps with the side effects of metformin. I am also doing a lot of Pilates and walking.
  • kaitlinfurby13
    kaitlinfurby13 Posts: 25 Member
    I am! It is rough, but I am trying. I don't have any tips yet because I am just starting out, but you can do this.
  • Hi Ladies,
    I saw your post and hope you dont mind me replying.
    My wife has PCO and she has been on metformin for a few years now which has helped with energy levels and other symptoms of PCO.
    She decided to have lap banding done and as a result has lost 45kg.
    This was a significant weight loss but not enough to turn the PCO off.
    (She was advised of this by her specialist)
    Her weight has remained constant for the last 2 years despite minimal food.
    Exercise is her only option now as diet is pretty much been taken out of the equation.
    Just thought I would share her experience.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No, im not but there are lots of threads on this, mostly abbreviating it as PCOS.
  • Meeeee! Diagnosed in 2009! I've gained and lost the weight 4 times, but am struggling since I had my son.. 2 years ago
  • FruityTetris
    FruityTetris Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! I'm 22 and was diagnosed when I was around 17. I've always struggled with my weight and it's been getting me really down :( I've been taking metformin on and off for around two years but usually give in to the stomach cramps and upset stomach but I'm back on it and working my way up to 1g per day!

    Add me! I need friends in the same situation so we can encourage each other :)