Healthy Eating when food availability is limited - HELP WITH RECIPES PLEASE

Hey Everyone,

I am living in Mongolia and availability of fresh & healthy food and spices can be somewhat limited, unreliable and / or expensive.

I am getting really, really bored of what I can cook at home, so I would love some ideas for SIMPLE recipes that do not require many spices or ingredients

I have very easy / cheap / reliable access to:

- eggs
- milk
- meat (mostly mutton but also beef, chicken)
- oats
- capsicum
- tomato
- onion
- rice (but i don't really like it)
- bread
- banana
- flour
- spinach
- root veggies (beetroot, potato, sweet potato, carrots)
- broccoli

And that's my main shopping list.


  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    You could make a frittata :) quick and easy and you can have a few variations. Bbc good food have some good recipes but I think you can basically make it up anyway, just cook your 'filling' ingredients, whisk up some eggs with a bit of milk and put on top in the pan. Leave to set for 7-10 minutes then under the grill to set the top a bit more :)
  • trevandmel2015
    From your ingredients list you could try a lighter version of the spanish omelette which is 308 calories:
  • lynndot1
    lynndot1 Posts: 114 Member
    If you have a muffin tin you could make yourself some "egg muffins" to have on hand throughout the week. They last a good 6-7 days in the fridge just fine and are great for breakfast or just a snack! is the base recipe I use, but you can put whatever you want in the muffins! I usually just use the "leftover" veggies from last week that I need to get rid of before they go bad, but the possibilities are endless.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    There is a web site called supercook that lets you search for recipes based on the ingredients you have. You might find it helpful.

  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    What do you usually cook? Are there any foods you usually like but don't eat now? Do you have access to cheese? Beans? What spices are easily available?

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited January 2015
    From your list roasted root vegetables comes to mind. Do you have access to any oils, sugars/syrups?

    French toast.

    Custard-based recipes like this one. Leave off the cheese if not available.

    I'd make a rice pudding but I like rice.

    The tomato and onions together with a little mutton would make a great stew. I am guessing this is a basis of local cooking.
    Again, skip the ingredients not readily available.

    Made another way all the vegetables would make a nice soup.

    Borscht. Just leave off the spices you don't have available.

    If you don't have easy access to meat stock, make your own by starting with say, a "sunday roast". Take the leavings and drippings and make your stock to use with other recipes.
    Slices from your roast can be used for sandwiches throughout the week.
  • emilyc525
    emilyc525 Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2015
    YOU ARE ALL FABULOUS> Thanks for helping, sometimes it's just hard to come up with inspiration for new things :) I want to reply to each of you but can't figure out how to do it.
    - @jgnatca I will be clicking those links.
    - @weird_me2‌ - I can get some cheese like a really soft edam. beans are sometimes available. I make a tonne of stirfrys and salads - just getting bored. I bought spices with me, I have mexican and italian spices. Which I had more Indian spices!
    - @lounmoun - great idea. :)
    - @lynndot1‌ - I've just started working out in the morning, so will be able to take egg muffin things for breaky! Now to find a muffin tin...
    - @trevandmel2015‌ - omelettes - can't get enough (luckily as I am eating them most days)
    - @chloeelizabethm‌ - Frittatas are delicious and I haven't thought to make them here, will get on to it!

    Thankyou all a tonne!!