Weigh in at 263, anyone terrified?

hello everyone... The numbers are terrifying so I decided that 2015 will be the year! Anyways, need friends to communicate and tell about struggles and also ideas for yummy food.

Anyways my goal is to be 123lbs by end of 2016... Which is ok, I believe.

What are your goals?


  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    it is possible, just be smart and safe as you go. I was 264 when I made my changes
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    Hey @derkin2005‌ how is today? Manage to keep under your calorie? I went above a little... But I still have my exercise I am going to do after work...hopefully It will make me so tired that I just crash and sleep.
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    Just ran and did a workout now a nap before a 12 hr shift... good luck.
  • SammieePaigee
    SammieePaigee Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I'm currently 260-263 myself, it hasn't budged or anything between them number. My starting weight was 275. Lost nearly a stone with MFP. If you stick at it, eat within calories and exercise you should lose weight. Also make sure you keep your water intake at 8 cups because that helps a lifetime trust me lol. Also lots of fiber!!
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I started at 282 nearly 6 months ago. I know how scary it can be - but you can do it! It's a learning process!
  • Flexitarier
    Flexitarier Posts: 22 Member
    Hey I am currently 253 - 255 and yes MFP really works. I totally agree with SammieePaigee on the water consumption. It really is important and making a difference.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    My best advice is to just take it slow, one day at a time. :) Don't try to jump into it too fast, then crash and burn--Choose a lower deficit (like 1 pound a week if you're currently going for two, I didn't really bother doing the math! ;)) to make the transition easier on yourself, and don't beat yourself up when you mess up. Just get back up and keep going!

    My best practical advice is to PRE-log your day, so you know what you're going to eat and when. That way, you don't go logging the lunch you've already eaten and go... OMG, I already finished all my calories and it's only noon! ;)

    All the best! :)
  • RBRoy
    RBRoy Posts: 31 Member
    MFP really helps ... I've lost 17 pounds since mid-August. Work out and be mindful of your calories consumed, and make your workouts fun. I like group classes at my gym. The people and music make burning 500+ calories a lot easier!!! Also, make it a challenge... I wear a fitbit to track my steps. I try to beat my previous day's steps. I'm a numbers person so this helps me! Good luck! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!!!
  • RBRoy
    RBRoy Posts: 31 Member
    Also, feel free to friend me if you want to!
  • Oh calories, how glad I am to not count you anymore (this isn't entirely true, I'm trying to bulk right now and I'm forcing myself to eat more than I want to).

    I've been on keto for 9 months now. Down 55lbs and I stayed away from the gym to make sure it was the diet and not working out that was making the change. What did I learn? What you eat is as important if not more important than how much you eat. Eating under BMR (especially if you're hungry) is a great way to be stressed. You know what stress does? Cortisol. Ditch the sweets (including the 0 calorie sweeteners). Keep your starch intake low and get your carbs earlier in the day. Increase you fat intake...repeat...EAT MORE FAT. I just bought two cans of heavy whipping cream, cheese, Italian sausages, bacon, grilled peppers, kale/brussel sprout/red cabbage mix. Check out OO Kitchen on Facebook and Youtube for meal ideas.
  • jamesha100
    jamesha100 Posts: 214 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, I started at 254 last Monday (6ft male) and have seen some good progress so far. I am doing alternate day fasting which seems to be a good fit for me. On fast days I limit myself to 600 calories and on the following day eat what I want. I have been sensible on non-fast days so far and not gone over 2,000 calories.

    A couple of years ago I lost 25 pounds with MFP but could not keep it up as I was always feeling deprived. This new approach feels better and will hopefully allow me to get down to 180 by May.

    One tip from me is too take the calories burnt when logging exercise on MFP with a pinch of salt especially if you plan on eating them back. For me the estimates seem way too high. I normally log 50% of what MFP estimates I have done.

    Good luck!
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    edited January 2015
    I started at 264lbs myself in April last year and I weigh 190lb-odd now, it is possible :)

    I documented my progress on my MFP blog if you're interested:

  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    RBRoy wrote: »
    Also, feel free to friend me if you want to!
    Thank you so much and I've friended you! You can now see my progress... Hopefully I stick to it!
  • bigmuz69
    bigmuz69 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have lost over 150 pounds so far - just stick to your calories and do as much exercise as you can it will start moving!!!
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    Oh calories, how glad I am to not count you anymore (this isn't entirely true, I'm trying to bulk right now and I'm forcing myself to eat more than I want to).

    I've been on keto for 9 months now. Down 55lbs and I stayed away from the gym to make sure it was the diet and not working out that was making the change. What did I learn? What you eat is as important if not more important than how much you eat. Eating under BMR (especially if you're hungry) is a great way to be stressed. You know what stress does? Cortisol. Ditch the sweets (including the 0 calorie sweeteners). Keep your starch intake low and get your carbs earlier in the day. Increase you fat intake...repeat...EAT MORE FAT. I just bought two cans of heavy whipping cream, cheese, Italian sausages, bacon, grilled peppers, kale/brussel sprout/red cabbage mix. Check out OO Kitchen on Facebook and Youtube for meal ideas.

    Wow... FATS, huh? I will take a look into that. Thank you so much for all the ideas... Just a few question... What is BMR? And also, what's Keto?
  • skinny0000
    skinny0000 Posts: 90 Member
    I started at 350. i am now 240. you can do it!!!
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    jamesha100 wrote: »
    Hi, I started at 254 last Monday (6ft male) and have seen some good progress so far. I am doing alternate day fasting which seems to be a good fit for me. On fast days I limit myself to 600 calories and on the following day eat what I want. I have been sensible on non-fast days so far and not gone over 2,000 calories.

    A couple of years ago I lost 25 pounds with MFP but could not keep it up as I was always feeling deprived. This new approach feels better and will hopefully allow me to get down to 180 by May.

    One tip from me is too take the calories burnt when logging exercise on MFP with a pinch of salt especially if you plan on eating them back. For me the estimates seem way too high. I normally log 50% of what MFP estimates I have done.

    Good luck!

    Thanks! I will try the fasting thing next week!
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    skinny0000 wrote: »
    I started at 350. i am now 240. you can do it!!!

    Thank you so much! How did you do it?
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    bigmuz69 wrote: »
    Hi I have lost over 150 pounds so far - just stick to your calories and do as much exercise as you can it will start moving!!!

    Really? Man, I've been trying.... Kind of nervous for my weigh in which is fab! I hope your right!
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 131 Member
    Hi i started at 284 pounds and i have lost 42 pounds so far with mfp it really does help.
    feel free to friend me if you want to!