Weigh in at 263, anyone terrified?



  • Sean_TheITGuy
    Sean_TheITGuy Posts: 67 Member

    Wow... FATS, huh? I will take a look into that. Thank you so much for all the ideas... Just a few question... What is BMR? And also, what's Keto?

    BMR is your Base Metabolic Rate. The rate that your body burns calories just being alive. Another one you'll hear is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which is your BMR plus all the calories you burn during your daily activities (walking, talking, carrying stuff, climbing stairs, etc). Eating under TDEE means your body will turn to your fat stores for energy, and you'll lose fat (yay!).

    Eating under BMR means your body may start to produce stress hormones like cortisol because consuming under BMR (for a long period of time) tends to be a sign of famine (your body doesn't know that it's not hunter-gatherer days anymore, so it responds as if food was sometimes hard to get). This can slow your weight loss progress and make you cranky, tired and more likely to binge.

    "Keto" is a term thrown around referring to a ketogenic diet. When you have abundant sugars and starches in your diet (as most of us do in the west) then your body wants to use thsoe things as fuel. they're easy to break down for energy. However, they're also super easy to convert directly to fat in the liver, and therein lies the problem.

    If you switch to eating very little carbs (50g or less, depending on your personal metabolism) your body will switch to using fats for energy instead of sugars. This is keto. Talking about keto on these forums is often like walking a minefield. Some people love it, some people say you're killing yourself doing it. I personally believe, and most of the literature agrees, that it's a great way to lose weight, feel better, not be hungry all the time, and probably closer to how "wild" humans would have eaten, rather than our bread-based diet that we eat today.

    It can be hard to get into Keto, where your body is using fat for fuel instead of sugar. It's a major lifestyle change since everyone else wants bread sandwiches and pasta on their mashed potato pizza.
  • usernoid1
    usernoid1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! Good morning from Cincinnati, Ohio! I weighed in at 299lbs in October 2013. Have lost 88lbs so far, but didn't get really really into it until this past October when I started MFP. It's now kind of fun to watch the numbers go down :). I like logging my food and exercise on MFP. And I find motivation with songs like Perfect by Pink and All About that Bass by Meagan Trainor. Just do everything you can find that will distract you and make you feel happy. I have a long way to go, but with the help of MFP I know WE BOTH can do it! Unfortunately I waited until I had developed diabetes and a heart problem before I got going, so DON'T WAIT, just do it! Greek yogurt (low sugar) is now my best friend, too :) Maybe find some songs to dance to if you like to dance, that's good activity and lots of fun. It's a journey and we can only take it one step at a time, sometimes baby steps, sometimes walking backward, but that's all a part of it. Share your progress with those you love and soak in that all that love they give you back!! See you again!
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    My best advice is to just take it slow, one day at a time. :) Don't try to jump into it too fast, then crash and burn--Choose a lower deficit (like 1 pound a week if you're currently going for two, I didn't really bother doing the math! ;)) to make the transition easier on yourself, and don't beat yourself up when you mess up. Just get back up and keep going!

    My best practical advice is to PRE-log your day, so you know what you're going to eat and when. That way, you don't go logging the lunch you've already eaten and go... OMG, I already finished all my calories and it's only noon! ;)

    All the best! :)

    Hey! TY so much for the encouragement, I will try to see if I can plot before eating so I won't overeat!!! That is a cool idea !
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member

    Wow... FATS, huh? I will take a look into that. Thank you so much for all the ideas... Just a few question... What is BMR? And also, what's Keto?

    BMR is your Base Metabolic Rate. The rate that your body burns calories just being alive. Another one you'll hear is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which is your BMR plus all the calories you burn during your daily activities (walking, talking, carrying stuff, climbing stairs, etc). Eating under TDEE means your body will turn to your fat stores for energy, and you'll lose fat (yay!).

    Eating under BMR means your body may start to produce stress hormones like cortisol because consuming under BMR (for a long period of time) tends to be a sign of famine (your body doesn't know that it's not hunter-gatherer days anymore, so it responds as if food was sometimes hard to get). This can slow your weight loss progress and make you cranky, tired and more likely to binge.

    "Keto" is a term thrown around referring to a ketogenic diet. When you have abundant sugars and starches in your diet (as most of us do in the west) then your body wants to use thsoe things as fuel. they're easy to break down for energy. However, they're also super easy to convert directly to fat in the liver, and therein lies the problem.

    If you switch to eating very little carbs (50g or less, depending on your personal metabolism) your body will switch to using fats for energy instead of sugars. This is keto. Talking about keto on these forums is often like walking a minefield. Some people love it, some people say you're killing yourself doing it. I personally believe, and most of the literature agrees, that it's a great way to lose weight, feel better, not be hungry all the time, and probably closer to how "wild" humans would have eaten, rather than our bread-based diet that we eat today.

    It can be hard to get into Keto, where your body is using fat for fuel instead of sugar. It's a major lifestyle change since everyone else wants bread sandwiches and pasta on their mashed potato pizza.

    Wow, that's a lot to take in. I am going to research on this, sounds pretty solid but being Asian, I am basically married to rice and that's carbs and Sugar!!!! yikes

    maybe I can alternate days where I don't eat anything white Like bread, rice, pasta and etc... do you think it might make a difference? Also, How do I know my metabolism rate?
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    usernoid1 wrote: »
    Hey! Good morning from Cincinnati, Ohio! I weighed in at 299lbs in October 2013. Have lost 88lbs so far, but didn't get really really into it until this past October when I started MFP. It's now kind of fun to watch the numbers go down :). I like logging my food and exercise on MFP. And I find motivation with songs like Perfect by Pink and All About that Bass by Meagan Trainor. Just do everything you can find that will distract you and make you feel happy. I have a long way to go, but with the help of MFP I know WE BOTH can do it! Unfortunately I waited until I had developed diabetes and a heart problem before I got going, so DON'T WAIT, just do it! Greek yogurt (low sugar) is now my best friend, too :) Maybe find some songs to dance to if you like to dance, that's good activity and lots of fun. It's a journey and we can only take it one step at a time, sometimes baby steps, sometimes walking backward, but that's all a part of it. Share your progress with those you love and soak in that all that love they give you back!! See you again!

    Ah! Sound like fun. I do love dancing, maybe I can get a buddy to do the dancing with! thanks so much for the encouragement!
  • Roshillacullen
    Roshillacullen Posts: 13 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I started at 264lbs myself in April last year and I weigh 190lb-odd now, it is possible :)

    I documented my progress on my MFP blog if you're interested:


    Wow! That is so amazing! I should start keeping blogs too! It's amazing what you did, and it's pretty inspiring! You look totally awesome! I will be blogging now!!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I started losing weight at my heaviest (307) and joined MFP at 262 lb. I've just broken into the 160s. But it's taken me about 6 years total, and I personally had to do it a bit differently with my goals. I would have given up early on if I was trying to get to say 125 lb...I started by saying "220" then "180" and so on. People are motivated differently though!
  • Christianmom
    Christianmom Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I have been overweight for about 10 years now and I hate it. I hate dieting (as most probably do) and I am terrible at dieting. But, I cannot stand this body anymore. I am nearly 58 years old and have son who will graduate this May. I currently weigh in at 218 and I am 5'6" (I have also shrunk an inch since high school). So, right now, I am starting at 24 Day Challenge with Advocare (which starts with a 10 Day Cleanse). I am excited to lose weight, but not excited about counting calories, etc. MFP makes it a lot easier anyway. Just hoping I can get motivated to exercise more. I do home daycare so I am up and down all day long, carrying a baby and potty training 2 that are under the age of 2. So, I am busy but I still need REAL exercise. I ran for about 15 years and then I could eat whatever I wanted but I tore my knee and was pregnant 5 times in 5 years so yeah, lazy habits set in and I have had a tough time running since my knee was fixed. I loved running, but I can't do it carrying this kind of weight! I need inspiration!!!!! Thanks!
  • Sean_TheITGuy
    Sean_TheITGuy Posts: 67 Member
    Wow, that's a lot to take in. I am going to research on this, sounds pretty solid but being Asian, I am basically married to rice and that's carbs and Sugar!!!! yikes

    maybe I can alternate days where I don't eat anything white Like bread, rice, pasta and etc... do you think it might make a difference? Also, How do I know my metabolism rate?

    You'll never know your EXACT metabolic rate without getting it professionally measured, and that costs money and is kind of overkill. If you look up any of the myriad of BMR calculators on the internet, you can enter your basic states like age, gender, height, weight, etc and it will give you a number in the ballpark.

    The thing with weight loss is that if you eat under your TDEE, you will lose weight. The speed of the weight loss mightn't be optimal, but slow and steady you will get there. Some people find it easier to eat under TDEE if you eat less carbs and more fats, etc. Its all individual and nobody can tell you the best way for YOU to lose fat.