Over 150 Pounds to Lose? Join Us and Get It Done!



  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    You all got this. Best wishes on your woe one day and lb at a time.
  • I lost 15 pound in ten days. Wish I could keep doing that for a while! I know how extreme it is but I think it's because I just started and it's all water weight. Anyway, MFP gave me even fewer calories for this week which seems odd. Any thoughts?
  • Trisha_Lynn_
    Trisha_Lynn_ Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on your big loss! As far as MAP giving you fewer calories...that sounds right. It's adjusted mine even for just a liss of just a couple of pounds.
  • Trisha_Lynn_
    Trisha_Lynn_ Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry, meant MFP, not MAP. (Darn auto correct! )
  • Can I join? I want to lose 198 lbs.
  • desirail
    desirail Posts: 49 Member
    I want to be part of the group! My goal is to lose 158 pounds. As of this morning, I've lost 35.1 pounds. I've got 123 pounds to go. Let's do this!
  • Goal is to lose 170 lbs. I need friendship, support, and alot of dietary assistance. So how do I join this group?
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Hey everyone! I would love to join. I have about 170 lbs to lose total. I've spent the last year and a half in therapy trying to work on the emotional eating issues. Since I feel like I have that a bit more under control, I'm trying to really give weight the effort it deserves and requires. Though most people struggle with their weight, I do think having so much to lose makes the journey seem especially difficult and any extra support from people who really understand what it is like is a great help. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • MrsStainke
    MrsStainke Posts: 3 Member
    I need to lose 150 pounds. I like to describe myself as vertically challenged and horizontally enhanced. There are no quick fixes to losing weight. I believe my weight gain started because of extreme stress overload and not being mindful of how much I was eating. I have severe gut issues and just want to feel better.
  • merryheartatl
    merryheartatl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I'd like to join too. I ultimately want to lose somewhere between 170-200 pounds. I've never been anyplace close to that weight, so I figure I'll set a more specific goal when I get closer. For 2015, my goal is to lose 75. I usually plan on losing 4-5 pounds a week and get discouraged and quit, but this year I'm simply focusing on losing around 2 pounds a week. I'm just starting today.
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone I also have over 170 pounds that I have to loose this is my first time it is actually been a week since I started this calorie tracker on this plan. This is the first time I have actually stuck to something it was hard the first couple of days but the food part is what I am learning to do to eat right so that it goes with my workout in the mornings. Good luck to everyone feel free to add me.
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    So anyway. Does anyone else know about or use the Pact app? I made a pact to log my food at least six days a week on My Fitness Pal. If I do it, I get a dollar a week. If I don't log more than one day per week, I have to pay five bucks per day I don't log. I love logging my food so it's easy money! You can also make workout pacts and vegi pacts. I am going to wait and see if they actually pay before I do any more though.

    I am interested in this to make money could you please give more information on this app you are talking about
  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    I'd like to join you all too. I have a LOT to lose, so much so that I've set my goal at 15st because I haven't been that since I was 16 and anything below that seems insane to me right now.. so aiming for about 140lb off!

  • Jewels416
    Jewels416 Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love to join you all. How do you do that? I saw another thread like this I was going to follow, but then I couldn't find it again. I need to lose 170......but 100 would be wonderful. I need the support. This year we have a fitness challenge going on at work so that is a good kickoff to me watch. And....it runs through the end of March so hopefully I can stay on target longer...and then it will be old hat.
  • way2shy
    way2shy Posts: 20 Member
  • Just started a new group for positive, supportive people with 150 pounds or more to lose, or who started out with 150+ to lose and are already well on their way. If you would like to join just send me a message!
  • I would like to join your group. I also have a lot to lose. I need to lose at least 170. I am just getting over my second knee replacement and I am close to retiring and want to get some of this weight off. I. Old use some support from peop,e who know what it's like to go thru this.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi everyone. I just want to add some words of encouragement to you all - I have lost over 150lbs already. I started out 11/11/11 at 329lbs. I'm currently sitting right around 170lbs and maintaining. I did it the sustainable way, no fads just good old fashioned calorie counting. I weighed pretty much all my food, logged everything and stuck to a reasonable calorie goal. No starving myself and no cutting the foods I love! I have actually lost more weight than my mother and she had a gastric bypass 2 years before I started to lose. I started out heavier!

    I might not be the best "friend" to have on here now as I'm working on maintenance without logging my food every day but I did want to say good luck to everyone. And if you have any specific questions I am happy for you to message me.
  • Jewels416
    Jewels416 Posts: 42 Member
    @ xx_PhoenixRis...Xx, congratulations on your success! Also, thank you for the encouragement.
  • TaraBeFree
    TaraBeFree Posts: 456 Member
    Good morning, I have over 150lbs to lose but when I start to think about that large of a number, I get scared.

    A few years ago I used MFP to kick-start a healthier way of living and lost around 30lbs in about 4 months. I learned alot of things about myself during that time - I could move more than I thought, I could survive with fewer calories than I thought I could, I could eat healthier than I thought I could, etc. However, I didn't put as much effort into working on the inside stuff during that time.

    I have lost that same 30lbs a few times in my life. It's about the point that other people start to notice my weight loss and I'm not sure if that specifically causes the face plant back into unhealthy eating or what combination of factors/thoughts/feelings contribute to it. As it commonly happens, not only do I find the 30lbs I lost, I then pick up a few more along the way (maybe to keep them company ;)

    This time around I am conscientiously putting in an effort to work on my mental, emotional and spiritual well-being at the same time. Though it is difficult, I believe it is necessary for me to even get through my 30lb hurdle.

    I too am looking for like-minded friends for support. I am not into large calorie restriction or an extensive exercise regime. I truly am trying to eat less and move more. To curb my cravings and feel satisfied longer (to avoid unnecessary triggers), I try to choose food that will stay with me longer and avoid food that I have difficulty eating in moderation. Beyond that, I don't really have any rules.

    Someone on here mentioned using their daily calories as a budget. I like that analogy (probably because I am an accountant ;) Today, I use the daily calories on MFP as a guideline and am okay if I go over at times. More important for me right now is to plan my food in advance - like planning to succeed. I enter my daily food the day before, then update my food diary throughout the day and adjust the day to what I have actually eaten. I am trying really hard to get as much food ready as I can in advance - breakfast, lunch, snacks and homemade soups. I have some fall-backs in place - cans of soup, tuna snackers and higher-protein granola bars at home and work - just in case. By the way, I am a horrible planner in regular life so this is a big shift. I am the queen of spontaneity/impulsiveness - which gets me in trouble with family, friends, work and my weight all the time.

    I am really trying to work on all of this as a sustainable change in the way I live. I want to feel like what I eat and how I move today, I could do everyday for the rest of my life. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.

    Have a wonderful day, Tara.