Looking for encouragement

Hello, I'm looking for positive support as I go through my weight loss journey. This is my second time on MyFitnessPal. It's been a while since then. I'm now more motivated to lose weight because of my medical health and the medical disorders my body has, partly due to my weight. Since my will power is very little, I'd appreciate and welcome any and all the support I can get. In return, I'd love to be your support as well. Thank you!


  • jodi3175
    jodi3175 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to help support you! This is also my second time on myfitnesspal. I just quit weight watchers, needed something different. I am also very motivated to lose weight- I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and have to use a machine. I hate it! I want to lose this weight and potentially get off the machine.
  • stormnrowdy
    stormnrowdy Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for your support and responding so quickly. I tried weight watchers too but it wasn't working for me. I also have a handful of health issues such as, diabetes, high cholesterol and fibromyalgia, (just to name a few) which effects my exercising because of the pain.
  • fitness487
    fitness487 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also here to support you through your weight loss journey keep going
  • stormnrowdy
    stormnrowdy Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much. It means so much!