Advice, Support and motivation needed!

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie but heard great things about MFP. Went through a horrible break up at the end of last year and piled on the pounds. I'm 5'9 and 12 stone. Want to go down to 10.. I tend to comfort eat and my motivation is at a all time low when it comes to exercise. Any support/advice and new friends welcome. I'm determined to make this year a positive one! Good luck to everyone :smiley:


  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, sorry to hear about your breakup. I went through a similar thing several years ago but I used the emotion and anger to build a better me. Check out my profile pic. I used to be 21st+ and went down to about 15st at my lightest. Consistency is key and you have to really want to loose weight to actually loose anything. We're all here to help you on your way. Good luck!
  • louboutinsinlondon
    That's amazing fizzleh, very inspiring.
  • Flexitarier
    Flexitarier Posts: 22 Member
    I am truly sorry for what you went through. But keep in mind that no person on earth is worth to pile on pounds. Get yourself the body back you deserve.
    If you want some motivation, add me to your friends list.
  • louboutinsinlondon
    Added you Flexitarier- thank you
  • cdiponio87
    cdiponio87 Posts: 15 Member
    Although exercise seems hard, it will probably do more to make you feel better (stronger) both inside and out. Walk, Swim or Run (especially running). it will also speed up the weight loss process. I don't see any downside.
  • mattcul
    mattcul Posts: 7 Member
    Well done louboutinsinlondon for taking the first step in getting your body and mind back in order!!

    Im back on MFP after about a year away from it and the scales, I realised after seeing a video of myself at Christmas how much weight I had put on so Im back tracking and back down the gym!!

    Everyone feel free to add me
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    Sorry that things turned out that way but happy that you are looking to take steps in a positive direction physically and emotionally. Please feel free to add me
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Eating healthy and exercise are key to most recoveries whether emotional or physical. Just start and continue. You'll be amazed at the results. Friend request sent!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i feel guilty for not stopping in to help people who list a weight I cant understand.

    So I wanna wish you the best of luck and remind you that motivation doesnt make for a greater calorie burn, and all progress can be made without it being there at all.

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sorry to hear about the breakup - I went through one in July of 2014, it was a 5 1/2 year relationship and the separation turned really ugly! I gained about 10 or 15 lbs in August/September due to sheer "trying to get over it" going out and having a good time with my friends. Since then, I've become a little more solitary, but joined 2 book clubs, go to the gym 5 or 6 days/week and am really happy. This holiday was the first holiday I've spent being single in my 20's. It was rough, I didn't have anyone to be with on New Years, but my family and friends were there for me when I needed them to be and I got through it.

    The one thing I can say to you is this: don't do anything before you're ready to do it. If you are thinking the gym will kind of be a distraction from all of it, it can be but you have to want to do this yourself, for yourself and by yourself. It's hard, I know, but do the things you're doing for you :)

    The most important thing I can say (and a lot of people will say this) is do things for you. I get my hair done all the time because I want to and I can afford it, I buy MAC all the time because I love it and I can. If you want to go for a massage, do it. Enjoy your time right now. I haven't been single since I was 19 years old and I love it now. Don't get me wrong, I do want to meet someone - hopefully the right one this time lol - and settle down, but I'm working on me because I hadn't in such a long time.

    If you ever need any to chat to, or just wanna vent feel free to reach out. I totally get how you feel :)
  • louboutinsinlondon
    Thank you so much everyone, especially acorsaut89- it absolutely sucked. We were happy for 9 years and then he left on our wedding anniversary. I'm slowly getting myself back on track but it's exactly what you said- going out with friends and drinking has made the weight shoot up. I just need to focus my energy on feeling physically better and hopefully the mental happiness will follow.

    I do really appreciate all the words of advice and wisdom and I admire all of you that's done so well! <3
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh the happiness will come . . . and maybe it wasn't meant to be. I know that sounds not helpful right now but when I went through my separation a woman - who has been through a lot and I trust - said to me the partner you pick at 22 is more than likely not the partner you'd pick at 32. As much as I cared for and loved him, she was right. We just didn't want the same things out of life - I worked my *kitten* off, went to graduate school, have a fantastic job and he's ok with being mediocre and smoking up all the time. He doesn't have the same drive I do and in the long run it was probably going to cause more harm than good in terms of a partnership. I'm not saying you're in the same boat, but everything always works itself out.

    In the mean time, do something fun - travel, go have a spa weekend, whatever, ENJOY IT!
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Sorry for what you went through. The best advice I can give is to try all kinds of activities to find one that you enjoy. If you enjoy doing it and you burn lots o'calories it doesn't feel like the dreaded exercise. Plus, it will release endorphins that will better your mood and hopefully this will slowly steer you away from emotional eating. Good luck and enjoy your journey!
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some support