Great 1st week, then MAJOR cheat! :-(

I feel so guilty and just need to confess... I was doing really great my first week! Eating really healthy and sticking to my goals! THEN... it was like totally out of my control! I ate an ENTIRE box of chocolate covered pecans! I was sick, bloated and so so ashamed. But that wasn't then end! That ugly voice started telling me "well, you've already blown it! Might as well just eat whatever you want now". After a major grease fest for dinner last night, I told 'the voice' to go away, that tomorrow is a new day! So, here I am this morning, starting new! Wish me luck!!!


  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    I do that pretty much every weekend haha I have such a terrible time with staying strict on the weekend. I usually workout on the weekends so i'm not TOO concerned about it and know that come Monday I will be back on track and will work it off! It happens so don't beat yourself up over it. It's okay to have a cheat MEAL and if you have more than one, just try to be conscious about portions. and if you're really craving something, again watch portions, but give in. you'll be so much better off. Don't sweat it though - just get back on track!