joined zumba last year/ 25# heavier this year HELP!!!

After 8 weeks of zumba , 2-3x/week I gained a staggering 20#! My doctor did a metabolic blood panel on me and I'm all normal. I need some answers or guidance.


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there,
    I find it HIGHLY doubtful that anybody could gain 20lb in 8 weeks. That would meant that you would have to consume a staggering 70,000 (or thereabouts) calories over your maintenance.
    Now, were it 2-4lb I would say that you need to make sure you are logging accurately but it is still a high likelihood of it being water-weight.
    Try not to be discouraged. Set yourself a certain day and time during the week (I usually find that morning after you have slept is a good time because most food from the previous day is digested and having much less of an impact on your result) and stick to that time. being sure that the scales you are using are good and working.

    You can do this!!!

    Wishing you all the very best with your goals!

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    If it is not your scale, or if you are weighing yourself with heavy clothes on - you are definately going over on your calories, especially if your doctor ruled out a medical reason.
    - Log accurately - get better results.
  • Adam2k10 wrote: »
    Hey there,
    I find it HIGHLY doubtful that anybody could gain 20lb in 8 weeks. That would meant that you would have to consume a staggering 70,000 (or thereabouts) calories over your maintenance.
    Now, were it 2-4lb I would say that you need to make sure you are logging accurately but it is still a high likelihood of it being water-weight.
    Try not to be discouraged. Set yourself a certain day and time during the week (I usually find that morning after you have slept is a good time because most food from the previous day is digested and having much less of an impact on your result) and stick to that time. being sure that the scales you are using are good and working.

    You can do this!!!

    Wishing you all the very best with your goals!

    It was 20#_ but I wasnt logging food. I am not shallow enough to gain weight and then go to the doctor claiming not knowing what's up. It was 20# in a solid 8 weeks, 7 of the pounds were in the first 2. I know what I'm talking about, it frustrating. That's why I'm here counting calories is BC I need answers where and why this weight keeps adding
  • Raykels
    Raykels Posts: 123 Member
    Water weight? Muscle? Eating way too many calories?
  • I came here for support not to be ridiculed, I was not over eating and drinking outside of my normal lifestyle that I have lead.....taking on a new exercise routine and watching what I eat is my lifestyle that's why I went to the doctor. Stress and hormonal imbalance are a huge factor. Thanks everyone for the support
  • Ja_ja_jakeya
    Ja_ja_jakeya Posts: 88 Member
    What were you eating? Exercise can only do so much if you aren't eating right.
  • I started this MFP only a week ago and I am recording everything to see what the problem is bc I usually have a handle on my weight, fluctuations of 5-10#, but things are different.... Maybe my age, metabolism..... Owell, I'm here and support is what I need
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Track your calories. Use a food scale for accuracy, don't guess. Your doctor confirmed a hormonal imbalance? Did your doctor suggest a certain type of diet? For example, some hormonal issues are benefited by eating lower carbs.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Does you Zumba class utilize weights? You could have gained some muscle...which weighs more than fat.
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    Candice, what is it you weigh now? You look pretty thin by your picture. Could it be you are adding muscle weight? Also, not sure of your age, but you could be having some hormonal weight gain? I know I can gain 7 pounds in just water and lose it within a few days. Maybe we are more talking 15 pounds? I don't get it. Did your doctor take any blood tests to see what is going on?
  • Shereewhitney88
    Shereewhitney88 Posts: 87 Member
    I get your situation is frustrating, and you want answers but if you doctor told you everything on the medical side was fine and working properly, then you were in fact eating and drinking too much. You said you weren't counting your calories when you started gaining the weight, so you cant tell us for 100% fact that you weren't over eating. Calories is VS calories out is how to lose weight if you are gaining weight then you are consuming more than you're burning. No one is ridiculing you. You asked a question and people were kind enough to respond. You can't get upset because people answered your question, but not the way you wanted.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited January 2015
    Zumba is unrelated to your weight gain entirely (it has a relatively low calorie burn). Unless maybe you stopped doing other, more strenuous exercises to allow time for Zumba and ate too much.

    1250 calorie per day surplus - it can happen. If you used to burn say 200 extra a day than you did and ate 900 more (which can add up really easily). Even 1200 cals for food alone can add up easily. Especially over the Christmas holidays since you wouldn't even have to eat that much over every day. I know I easily ate 3000 over maintenance at least 6 times alone over Christmas.

    Likely part of the 20 pounds is water and glycogen too (plus maybe your muscles are retaining water from the exercise). So say 7 lbs (that part you gained quickly) is water weight. That's only 812 extra cals a day. Let's put it this way... 2 tbsp. of peanut butter is 200 calories. A cookie is around 150. A bigger portion of pasta and you have another 100. Maybe a muffin around 3-400. And there you have it. about 800 calories. Even an extra apple per day is 100 calories. And maybe you haven't even noticed it because you could have just been grazing - a few nuts here, a bite of cake there, hand full of crackers or cereal there, licking the spoon of your cookie batter here... etc.

    But I should point out it likely isn't muscle. Women don't gain muscle easily. You have to work very hard to gain muscle as a woman. Even if it were muscle, there is a limit to how much of the extra calories your body could use to build that muscle. No more than 2 lbs would be my guess and that's assuming you were doing a program such as Stronglifts or Strong Curves (heavy weight lifting).
  • Lillyrose125
    Lillyrose125 Posts: 33 Member
    Just wanted to add (and I'm not saying you are eating too much for sure), but some years ago I hired a personal trainer at LA Fitness and was going about 5 days per week, swimming laps, working out on weights and he about killed me on my workouts. He also told me that it would do nothing for me unless I stopped eating so much and too much junk. He was so right. All that hard work was for nothing. I kept eating pizza, drinking beer, eating sweets and didn't lose anything. I now know the eating part is about 75 to 80 percent of losing weight. We are here to help you figure this out!
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    edited January 2015
    Candice, without wanting to be rude to those who have answered/commented so far...
    Ignore anyone who tells you your weight gain is the result of eating too much! (Not everything in the world of weight is about food!)

    While a lot of exercise, especially if you are not accustomed to such a program, can cause you to eat a little more every now and then, the extra food would immediately be offset by the extra calorie burn of the exercise.

    But, if you were not doing any kind of exercise prior to the Zumba, you are most definitely going to see an increase in muscle mass. Have you checked your measurements? (Has your clothing size gone up?) If you are not gaining a lot of inches in conjunction with your increase in weight, chances are it is simply an increase in muscle mass and nothing else. And, since your doctor has already ruled out any biological/medical cause for the increase, this takes us right back to increase in muscle.

    That being said, I would be remiss if I did not add that, although muscle, being far more dense than fat, will take up far less space in your body and, as you lose fat and gain muscle, there is usually a decrease in size, in your case, given the alarming 20# weight gain, you should be seeing some obvious muscle bulk to offset the fat loss. Furthermore, the lower your body's fat percentage, the more rapidly exercise is likely to affect the visual dimension of your body. That is, the less fat you have to start with, the more quickly you will begin to see the muscle development.

    In any case, at this point, building muscle should be nothing to worry about. You do, however, need to be aware of building too much muscle and, depending upon what you want to achieve in your workout, you might actually want to eat more in order to offset the effects of the muscle toning.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Women don't gain 20# of muscle in 8 weeks. A woman bodybuilder who is trying to gain muscle can't do that in a year.
  • braidjen
    braidjen Posts: 2 Member
    The numbers on the scale are far from the whole picture. Muscle weighs more than fat for the same volume. If the zumba is helping you build muscle, that is great for your overall health and metabolism. Have you taken measurements? How are your clothes fitting?
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Women don't gain 20# of muscle in 8 weeks. A woman bodybuilder who is trying to gain muscle can't do that in a year.
    ^^^This + highly unlikely to gain much (if any) muscle from Zumba.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Candice, without wanting to be rude to those who have answered/commented so far...
    Ignore anyone who tells you your weight gain is the result of eating too much! (Not everything in the world of weight is about food!)

    While a lot of exercise, especially if you are not accustomed to such a program, can cause you to eat a little more every now and then, the extra food would immediately be offset by the extra calorie burn of the exercise.

    But, if you were not doing any kind of exercise prior to the Zumba, you are most definitely going to see an increase in muscle mass. Have you checked your measurements? (Has your clothing size gone up?) If you are not gaining a lot of inches in conjunction with your increase in weight, chances are it is simply an increase in muscle mass and nothing else. And, since your doctor has already ruled out any biological/medical cause for the increase, this takes us right back to increase in muscle.

    That being said, I would be remiss if I did not add that, although muscle, being far more dense than fat, will take up far less space in your body and, as you lose fat and gain muscle, there is usually a decrease in size, in your case, given the alarming 20# weight gain, you should be seeing some obvious muscle bulk to offset the fat loss. Furthermore, the lower your body's fat percentage, the more rapidly exercise is likely to affect the visual dimension of your body. That is, the less fat you have to start with, the more quickly you will begin to see the muscle development.

    In any case, at this point, building muscle should be nothing to worry about. You do, however, need to be aware of building too much muscle and, depending upon what you want to achieve in your workout, you might actually want to eat more in order to offset the effects of the muscle toning.

    This isn't correct as Zumba is a cardio exercise, not a strength exercise.
  • deksgrl wrote: »
    Women don't gain 20# of muscle in 8 weeks. A woman bodybuilder who is trying to gain muscle can't do that in a year.
    ^^^This + highly unlikely to gain much (if any) muscle from Zumba.

    I never said it was muscle the post before you pass judgment
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Women don't gain 20# of muscle in 8 weeks. A woman bodybuilder who is trying to gain muscle can't do that in a year.
    ^^^This + highly unlikely to gain much (if any) muscle from Zumba.

    I never said it was muscle the post before you pass judgment

    You didn't say it, other people did. It was to them these comments were aimed at.