calorie management when you cook your food.



  • momswanson
    momswanson Posts: 76 Member
    I use the recipe builder. It used to be cumbersome but it has been updated recently and is much easier to use. You should give it a try!
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    thank you guys - these are some good ideas. I'm working on creating healthier versions of foods I already like cooking, so perhaps once i get a good routine going, i could measure a batch once and then input that info for myself. i also like the idea of looking for recipes with cals included - i don't think i've seen that - any sites you can share?

    4 years ago when i was on here, i was measuring each and every time i cooked - wont do that again.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    kruggeri, i come here for the community, as well as the tracking of my exercise, which syncs with the fitness app i use. I find it useful and know not everyone counts calories. i was curious what those who don't count caloreis do instead to have a healthy diet. Why is that such a controversial question? I'm surprised by the snarky tone in some of these posts. Just looking for others who know more than me and could offer ideas. Count away, if that works for you - it just isn't what i want for me.

    Gotcha. I can honestly understand why people don't like calorie counting. I lost a chunk of weight just eating healthier and less, but to get down to my goal weight I had to calorie count as well. I would suggest decreasing portion sizes of your entrees and increasing portion sizes of your veggies. Also, replace certain ingredients with healthier ones while cooking (for example, when I make pizza I mix wheat flour with the white and sometimes add a little flax seed into the crust and use part-skim mozzarella instead of the full fat).
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I cook but I generally follow recipes and do measure quite a few things. Since I have been cooking and measuring food a long time I am pretty confident about what certain measurements look like. I have checked my estimates with measured portions so I know I am pretty good at eyeballing some things.
    Do you make the same things pretty often? If you eyeball/guess/measure once, jot down the amounts you used and what a portion size was, then enter the recipe here then you can just use that recipe entry in future and never have to measure again. Even if a dish isn't really prepared exactly the same every time it will give you a fair idea of the amount of calories you are eating.
    If you eat maybe 20- 30 different recipes in rotation you only have to enter it in the recipe builder tool once for each thing.
    Find a recipe on the internet that is most similar to the food you make. If the amounts are pretty close to what you probably use copy it into the recipe builder. Save it. Use that entry every time you cook that thing. Again, it won't be exact like if you weighed and measured everything but will give you some idea of the amount of calories you are eating.

    If you do this and don't lose weight then you might need to just go ahead and weigh and measure everything.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I've been loosely counting again to see whether I have been hitting my macros, since I kind of tuned that out when I stopped counting. Once cycling season gets started again, I won't log at all. I did that most of last year and actually got down to my goal weight and maintained. I kind of followed the plate method for dinner (mostly veggies, lean protein, starch, fruit), had many of the same breakfasts and lunches as when I was counting so I knew they were healthy, and when eating out, I made healthy choices. And I limited my snacking to healthy stuff, minimally processed if bought, things I bake myself, and frozen yogurt. That's how I will live my life.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    thank you guys - these are some good ideas. I'm working on creating healthier versions of foods I already like cooking, so perhaps once i get a good routine going, i could measure a batch once and then input that info for myself. i also like the idea of looking for recipes with cals included - i don't think i've seen that - any sites you can share?

    4 years ago when i was on here, i was measuring each and every time i cooked - wont do that again.

    I think I better understand your question. You aren't opposed to calorie counting in total, just find the process of weighing and measuring individual ingredients cumbersome when cooking from a recipe? To be honest, I don't weigh and measure my food and I successfully used MFP and the calorie counting tools here without it. I know that by weighing and measuring and logging more accurately I probably could have either eaten more, or lost my weight more quickly, but I never really had any major plateaus so I never bought a food scale.

    With regards to recipe websites that offer calorie counts for the total recipes - try, (in fact I think that now links to MFP),, etc.

    I often search the MFP database for an entire recipe and find the one I'm looking for, like "Pioneer Woman Beef Stew" and see if the calorie counts look reasonable and go with that.
    Again, it may not be the most technically accurate way of doing it but it worked for me.

    Sorry if you thought my original response was snarky!

  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    My favorite thing about this thread is the implication that if you aren't making a dish with 97 ingredients at every single meal you are somehow not normal.

    not making that implication at all BFDeal - what I'm stating is that I have found it really crazy making to try to keep track, unless I'm doing something like adding an orange or an egg that I ate. If I made a soup, or a casserole, the amount of measuring etc was way too cumbersome to me.

    If you're reading it as a statement about your cooking - that's all you! I'm by no means a great cook, i just find the counting and measuring to not be a lifestyle i want to choose.

  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Some people like to weigh and measure everything. Others can't stand it and estimate. Estimating can work, but if you're not losing like you want to then the first place to start is your logging. :wink:

    I guess I'm in between. I log almost gram for gram, but sometimes I estimate. I pre-log a lot since I eat some of the same foods from day to day. I have entered recipes for common dishes that I eat, and even if I tweak the recipe now and then the basic info is still the same. I just weigh my plate of food so I have an idea of portion size. Otherwise I just log individual ingredients as I go along. It's not that hard (for me) to chop everything up and then toss on the scale just before tossing in the pan. Other people would rather stab themselves in the eye with a fork than do that. :grinning:

    It can get monotonous to enter everything all the time. But I've not lost all the weight I want to lose so I suck it up and do it. I estimated for most of my life and it's part of how I allowed myself to get so fat. Now I only take breaks from logging when I am on vacation. Find what works for you and then run with it (but don't run with a fork in your hand). :smile:
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I build a recipe based on measured ingredients. I used that entry over and over again even if there are slight differences. Yes, I still measure/weigh things but if the next time I have 642g of raw potato and not 665g I don't sweat it. I generally measure the higher calorie items and things like kale I will just guesstimate. I also eyeball portions because its just me eating it and eventually I will eat the entire meal.

    Another example. I have a recipe for roasted root veggies that I entered based on grams. In general, my ratio of veggies to oil is the same. So I measure my cooked food and enter it based on the grams per serving (150g) listed not caring if there are a few more carrots vs potatoes vs yams in the mix. Its not perfect but it helps with portion control.

    When I actually want to actively pick up the weight loss again, I measure everything though. I switch from diet break to dieting on a regular basis. Long calorie deficit periods are discouraging and I actually am more prone to illness the longer I am on them so I make full diet breaks happen often.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    thank you guys - these are some good ideas. I'm working on creating healthier versions of foods I already like cooking, so perhaps once i get a good routine going, i could measure a batch once and then input that info for myself. i also like the idea of looking for recipes with cals included - i don't think i've seen that - any sites you can share?

    4 years ago when i was on here, i was measuring each and every time i cooked - wont do that again.

    You don't even need a calorie count for a recipe. Just find one that sounds good, and "import" it from the link - MFP scans the ingredients and matches them. So it'll figure out the calories for you. It's super duper awesome.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    thank you guys - these are some good ideas. I'm working on creating healthier versions of foods I already like cooking, so perhaps once i get a good routine going, i could measure a batch once and then input that info for myself. i also like the idea of looking for recipes with cals included - i don't think i've seen that - any sites you can share?

    4 years ago when i was on here, i was measuring each and every time i cooked - wont do that again.

    I like, and they semi-recently have added nutrition facts to their recipes.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I guess I do the insane thing. I weigh all the ingredients I toss into the recipe, record it and divide by intended servings.

    Works for me.

    I eat almost no pre-packaged food, either.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »

    You can change nothing about what you're doing and keep the 18lbs.

    I'm not interested in your judgements. You can keep them for yourself. I'm sorry you are so unhappy that you feel your best option is to antagonize others.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    thank you guys - these are some good ideas. I'm working on creating healthier versions of foods I already like cooking, so perhaps once i get a good routine going, i could measure a batch once and then input that info for myself. i also like the idea of looking for recipes with cals included - i don't think i've seen that - any sites you can share?

    4 years ago when i was on here, i was measuring each and every time i cooked - wont do that again.

    You don't even need a calorie count for a recipe. Just find one that sounds good, and "import" it from the link - MFP scans the ingredients and matches them. So it'll figure out the calories for you. It's super duper awesome.

    Thanks for the idea. I'll try it with some recipes this week and see if I could do that.
  • Rachel631
    Rachel631 Posts: 1 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    sigh - i just refuse to do that - i did it on here about 4 years ago and that just doesn't work for me. I don't measure when I'm cooking - and I'm not interested in starting. I'll add wine, or olive oil, or chicken broth (that I made) at the 'right' level based on sight.... When I was counting calories on her about 4 years ago I was very unhappy and crazy about it - which made my husband ccrazy too! So it's just not for me. Curious what people do who cook, that are unwilling to weigh and measure each ingredient.

    Well, you could try doing it one time for all yor favorite recipes, and then eyeballing it from then on. Not completely accurate, but at least it will give you an idea.
  • Tionne31
    Tionne31 Posts: 91 Member
    I use the recipe builder in MFP. Enter all the ingredients, weigh the final batch and divide into portions.

    Exactly what I do as well, it has been the most improved thing I noticed about MFP when I returned this second time around.

  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    I was never able to accurately count calories when my girl friend cooked meals. My advice would be to buy a cookbook that already has the calories listed for each recipe. Otherwise it is difficult to measure and account for every single ingredient.
  • Tionne31
    Tionne31 Posts: 91 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I cook but I generally follow recipes and do measure quite a few things. Since I have been cooking and measuring food a long time I am pretty confident about what certain measurements look like. I have checked my estimates with measured portions so I know I am pretty good at eyeballing some things.
    Do you make the same things pretty often? If you eyeball/guess/measure once, jot down the amounts you used and what a portion size was, then enter the recipe here then you can just use that recipe entry in future and never have to measure again. Even if a dish isn't really prepared exactly the same every time it will give you a fair idea of the amount of calories you are eating.
    If you eat maybe 20- 30 different recipes in rotation you only have to enter it in the recipe builder tool once for each thing.
    Find a recipe on the internet that is most similar to the food you make. If the amounts are pretty close to what you probably use copy it into the recipe builder. Save it. Use that entry every time you cook that thing. Again, it won't be exact like if you weighed and measured everything but will give you some idea of the amount of calories you are eating.

    If you do this and don't lose weight then you might need to just go ahead and weigh and measure everything.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly, I keep a host of foods in rotation and as such I merely entered them on MFP with the portion sizes and now all I do is click and has made calorie counting for me a breeze. Prior to the option of adding a homecooked meal as a recipe here, I utterly DESPISED calorie counting...because it used to take up too much time.
  • I don't understand the issue with weighing everything, as if it takes a million hours to do? When I'm cooking, I weigh out everything before I add it to the dish and either use the recipe builder or just add the foods under the correct meal.

    If I'm cooking for more than one person, I make their meal in one pan and mine in a separate one (i.e. if I'm cooking for 4 people who don't count calories and myself, all theirs goes in one pan and mine in the other). it means I have one extra pot to clean but I know exactly what I'm eating and it doesn't take any longer than it would have.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »

    You can change nothing about what you're doing and keep the 18lbs.

    I'm not interested in your judgements. You can keep them for yourself. I'm sorry you are so unhappy that you feel your best option is to antagonize others.
    I'm not judging. I'm trying to lose more weight than you. I'm just kind of stating the obvious. If what you're doing now isn't working then the logical alternative is to change what you're doing.

    If you're not judging, you're making assumptions about whether what i'm doing is working or not. An assumption is pretty similar to a judgement. Anyone should be able to reach out on these forums for new ideas - that's what they're for. Looking for new ideas doesn't mean what I'm doing isn't working (i've actually already lost 5 inches - in only 10 days) it just means i'm open to continuing to learn and try new things that might be even better.