Soul Line Dancing

Does anyone here line dance?

I started line dancing last April and I swear it has helped me burn tons upon tons of calories. One 2 hr class alone can burn close to 800 calories for me.

I highly recommend it if you enjoy dancing. It's a great way to lose weight, without feeling like you are working!


  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Okay why when I first looked at your title of your post, I thought it said, "Soul Train Line Dancing"......LMBO.
  • chelefierce
    ^ Hey we do that too.. well we did this past weekend as a tribute to Don C
  • cjaneplay79
    cjaneplay79 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey! Not sure if you still see this post, but I recently started line dancing for exercise last year and I LOVE IT!!!!