20lb loss by march 1st, anyone in?



  • LadyMeg10
    LadyMeg10 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in. Started on Monday. My goal is 2lbs per week, but I'm all game for 20lbs by March 1.
  • DollfaceLisa
    DollfaceLisa Posts: 21 Member
    I weighed 180 on January 1st and I want to lose 20 pounds at least by March 1st before I see my cosmetic surgeon. I'm at 175 now so I'm doing good so far. I'm logging every day trying to stay on goal. This thread will help keep me motivated knowing I'm not alone. Feel free to add me. I love following other people's progress.
  • iceandfire212
    iceandfire212 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm late but I'm in. in terrible need of support! starting insanity today--it's gonna be rough!
  • Im in 238lb 6ft im trying to get to 200 by march first, just started martial arts on friday, and help and support would be great.
  • iceandfire212
    iceandfire212 Posts: 35 Member
    13 lb loss goal!!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    rsjohnb wrote: »

    I looking to try and continue with my weight loss and have set my next challenge as being 20lb off by the first on March. (I currently weight around 242 and I'm 6'2")

    It works out a fraction over two pounds a week so its not for the faint hearted but hey, I ain't getting any younger :)

    I log in very day and am always on hand for a bit of encouragement and support. so if your up for the challenge send me a friend request.

    lets do this!

    I'm in! ready to wear a bikini!!!

  • dollisill
    dollisill Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I have to lose 30 pounds to fit into a bridesmaid dress by May, so 20 by March 1st would be awesome! My ultimate goal is to lose 75 pounds.

    I'm working out at the gym 5 days a week (mix of cardio and weights) and doing 1200 calories a day.
  • rd410
    rd410 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in. Feel free to Friend me! I need some accountabilibuddies!
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    Does anyone have a good music station on Pandora that keeps them pumped up when working out ??

    Alternative endurance training is GREAT!! Check it out.

  • jjasmelon
    jjasmelon Posts: 101
    I'm in :smiley:
  • mseslee
    mseslee Posts: 101 Member
    i'm in!!

    I weight 216 and i'm trying to drop 50 pounds!! so any motivation to get me under that 200 mark is amazing!

    i'm on 1200 calories a day
  • GoGetitRevMeg
    GoGetitRevMeg Posts: 6 Member
    Like the consensus this is a great goal. I am in the mid 200's and need to kick my butt into high gear. I will join.
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    SW 239
    CW 233
    GW 219
    6 pounds lost. At least something positive came from having the flu LOL
  • isabellecmiranda
    isabellecmiranda Posts: 56 Member
    friend request sent. I am in. If I lose the 20lbs I will be at my goal weight. well... 25 lbs.
    Please send me a friend request if you are also joining the challenge... I will need all the motivation and support I can get.
  • I am going to try my best to be in too
  • afcrago
    afcrago Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in 6'2'' 215 currently :)
  • klovold1983
    klovold1983 Posts: 54 Member
    Definitely in. I'm at 252, 5'2". Significantly overweight. They say that if I stick to 1960 a day, that I should lose one pound per week. I'm gonna try for two. We'll see.
  • rd410
    rd410 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'11, somewhere between 210 and 215. (I'll weigh myself tonight to make sure!) It was recommending that I stick to a 1880 count, but I think I'm going to push it a bit lower.

    Like Isabelle said, send me a friend request if you are also joining the challenge... I can use all the motivation and support I can get.
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    Im in! I am 1200 daily and 1500 the days I go to see my trainer! :) I am still getting used to using the chat forums here. If there isn't a group, how will we keep track of eachother? lol :)
  • OK I'm in! I'll have to up my game but here goes!!!