Diet, Exercise, and Nursing baby!

Hello friends! I have just started to get back into the exercise routine (baby was born in November via C-section, so I had to wait to start exercising again). Since I am nursing exclusively, is there any advice, diet-wise, as to how many calories I should consume per day without compromising on weight loss goals as well? (Haha, not sure if that makes any sense?) MyFitnessPal calorie consumption says I need to consume 1380 calories/day in order to lose weight, but it doesn't take in to consideration that I am nursing. I would love to hear anyone who has advice on this!

Also, add me if you like! Love the support and friends on here - you guys are great!


  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    If you are nursing full time (so supplementing), add 500 calories. I lost very well even with those extra 500. If milk supply seems to be going down, eat a little more. Eat back most of exercise calories back too (doesn't have to be all). What moms forget sometimes is that our body will take our nutrients for the milk. We need to eat enough to make sure we get enough nutrients. As you nurse less, cut back on the 500. I didn't do that part plus some- gained it all back! Congrats and good luck!
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I did WW while nursing - I believe that it added approx. 500 cals per day. If you google, there are some sites that tell you how much per day - but my recollection is you need to add 500 cals if you are nursing. I thought that there was somewhere on the "goal" section of MFP where you could set "nursing" but I don't recall where. Losing weight while nursing (no exercise here) was the easiest time I ever had!
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    It's generally advised to not undergo calorie restriction weight loss while nursing. Your body will always use nutrients prior to passing it along in the milk. It's a survival function.

    Also, most women find that while breast feeding exclusively they will lose weight naturally. It takes a lot for you to feed baby. Just eat well, take brisk hour long walks daily and spend quality time with your new one. Don't over think it and don't over eat.
  • lanorrr
    lanorrr Posts: 13
    Hi! I had a baby in November too and I'm breastfeeding and trying to lose weight. Gained about 45 while pregnant and lost about 20 easily. Fighting to get that other 25 off so I rejoined mfp! I'll add you as a friend and we can try this together!!
  • gia2384
    gia2384 Posts: 6 Member
    I went through this (my youngest is now 2). I would suggest looking up breastfeeding as an exercise, that way it will adjust your macros automatically (I always made sure to get enough protein and calcium while breastfeeding). 500 calories while ebf is what I added but you'll have to see how your body works with that amount and adjust according to how you feel.
  • Peephy
    Peephy Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone for the replies! I changed the goal intake up by 500 more calories, but will adjust it accordingly!
  • abbyjane81
    abbyjane81 Posts: 51 Member
    Im currently nursing my 3 month old and have over 100 pounds to lose. I've lost 100 in the past but gained it back. I know how to eat- eating clean and natural-welcome support! Feel free to add me:)