Can someone explain the science to me?????

This Monday will be 3 weeks since I've been "on program" - eating right, walking etc. As of this morning, I've lost 6 pounds. When I first started, I could eat my yogurt and drink my coffee in the morning and be good until lunch. I could eat my lunch, take a walk and be good until mid afternoon when I would eat a piece of fruit, and that would hold me until dinner. The last few days, I have been STARVED! I had to eat my lunch earlier than normal yesterday and today because I was so hungry. When I get back to my desk after my walk, I'm hungry already. I ate lunch today at 12:00. It's now 3:00. I've already had a snack of pretzel thins and I know that's not going to hold me until dinner. I'm actually shaky because I'm hungry. Can someone take a look at my Diary and let me know if I'm doing something wrong. Am I not eating enough calories throughout the day now that I'm exercising more?


  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    If you want us to look at your diary, you'll need to make it public. :tongue:
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I'm on my 3rd week too, and I am in the same boat! I was doing FINE at first, but now I feel like I'm starving too. :(
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You'll need to open your diary if you want people to be able to take a look. If you are exercising, be sure you're adding those calories in MFP and eating them all back. If you already are, your body could also be going through a "I think I'm being starved" phase and trying to trigger you into eating more. Eat smaller meals more often to help compensate for this. I sometimes eat 6 times a day, every 2-3 hours. I probably drive my co-workers crazy with it, to be honest, but it works for me.
  • sbpeters93
    sbpeters93 Posts: 37 Member
    Oops sorry! Had it set to Friends Only. Thanks.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Bottom line is that if you are hungry you are not eating enough. Try upping your total daily calorie intake until you feel comfortable.
  • cjnorman
    cjnorman Posts: 93
    You need to eat back your excercise calories.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I'd say if you don't already have one, getting a blood glucose meter would be good for the times you're shaky. But the starving part is probably because your metabolism is actually revving a little better now. Which of course is a good thing. Someone will probably spot any issues in the diary, but there are certain foods that will naturally cause your insulin to lower or rise. It will be a key to take a look at things like that. Of course if you've tried to cut out caffeine (I haven't looked at your diary yet, so you may not have) it could be withdrawal from that.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    it takes about two or three weeks for your body to adjust to your new diet. after it has adjusted and you have burned through most of you energy stores your body will start burnign more fat which increases your metabolism. An increased metabolism will mean you are burning more calories, but will also mean you get hungrier. too deal with this i started eating a mid morning and mid afternoon snack ( haven't looked at your diary to see what your eating). the inbetween snacks i choose are usually containing protein as proteins help you feel full. also keep a big jar of pickels around and eat a pickel if you get soo hungry you can't take it. a pickel will help combat low blood sugar / insulin based hungry pangs due to the acids in the pickel and they have very little calories, especially when considering the size of them.

    forgot- also i shifted most of my highest calorie meal to breakfast.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I'd say more protein. Looks clean to me but def in need of some extra protein. My friends said I eat too much sugar and I know my carb intake is on the high end so that right there carbs which is sugar leaves you feelin more hungry. I am in the same hungry / straving boat as you.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The past few days you haven't been eating enough. Definitely try to add a little more protein and fiber during snack times to combat the hunger pangs. You might also try eating a bigger breakfast with some cereal and/or fruit or adding something a little more filling an hour or two after you eat your yogurt. I know when I used to eat just a yogurt for breakfast that I always felt hungry again a little while later.
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    As far as what I do, is I try to make each of my meals at least 350-400 calories and 2 150 calorie snacks. I saw that on a few days you were only eating 150 calories for breakfast and lunch and that's not enough to get u thru the day!

    Good luck!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Try upping your fiber and protein throughout the day. As your metabolism increases, so does the need for more fuel. So, it's natural that your body is hungrier. There's nothing wrong with increasing your intake and creating the net deficit through exercise.

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My guess is that you are eating too many high sugar/starch items and not enough whole grains or proteins. Fiber, fat and protein will keep you full, but you have very few of them.

    Fruited yogurts usually have quite a bit of sugar in them. You would feel full longer even if you just switched to yogurt and berries instead of a fruited yogurt, longer yet if you used a high fiber/ low sugar cereal with it.

    Today you had pretzels, the reason they are so great is because they have really simple starches that the body breaks down into sugars easily. You would be better off with cheese or another high protein snack. It sounds horrible to many folks, but I often have a tablespoon of peanut butter as a snack, if I have lots of calories left to eat, I will combine it with an apple.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    some of the experts say to eat every few hours. I know Jillian Michaels is big on this as well as Bob from the Biggest Loser. You want to keep your engine running all day long.

    On a typical workday I eat a variation of this:

    - Oatmeal and coffee at 8:30
    - piece of fruit at 11
    - a frozen burrito or other organic meal. Often it's vegetarian (or if it involved meat it's humanely raised which has lower fat and cholesterol). So this lunch for me always involves protein and veggies.
    -another piece of fruit (or a cup of berries) around 2
    - low fat or no fat yogurt around 3 or 4pm
    - If I dd not eat a piece of fruit after lunch, I'll have one before the gym
    -Dinner with my husband, typically a meat, veg, and grain or potato.
    -sometimes I have wine or beer with dinner
    -Bed at 11pm
  • nayagan
    nayagan Posts: 13
    Don't eat a large breakfast. And its not the added muscle. Muscle takes weeks to put on.

    Its definitely the lack of protein. Higher protein levels and lower sugar levels will take care of hunger-pangs.

    Also keep track of the amount of fiber and increase that (in terms of veggies) and you should not feel hungry. You'll also lose more weight.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Try to eat more protein for breakfast and throughout the day. I eat plain Greek yogurt and a glass of skim milk for breakfast, and that protein helps keep the "I'm starving!" feeling from rolling in 2 hours after eating. I'd also suggest eating more for breakfast...somewhere in the 300-350 range.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    I like to start the day off with a egg-white omelet, the protein i think keeps me satisfied longer
  • sbpeters93
    sbpeters93 Posts: 37 Member
    I guess I have to work on my breakfasts huh! I just never was much of a breakfast eater. My mornings are just too rushed (husband, 2 kids, and have to be at work at 8:00). That's why I eat a yogurt and drink a cup of coffee at my desk. Maybe I'll try adding some peanut butter toast (whole wheat bread) with it.
    Thanks everyone for the help!